Secretive Bilderberg Meeting Concludes In Madrid With War, War, And More War On The Agenda
Globalist elites representing the rich and powerful in politics, banking, big tech, media, industry, and academia converged in Madrid, Spain, on May 30-June 2
by Leo Hohmann
Globalist elites representing the rich and powerful in politics, banking, big tech, media, industry, and academia converged in Madrid, Spain, on May 30-June 2 to discuss the launching of World War III and policies meant to advance the global control grid and one-world system.
While most of the attention this year was on the WHO World Health Assembly in Geneva, the Bilderbergs met secretly in Madrid for their 70th annual conference. (Go to my Substack to read about the shocking turn of events on June 1 at the WHO World Health Assemby)
Topics of discussion at the shadowy Bilderberg conference included artificial intelligence, “climate change,” the “future of warfare” and “changing faces of biology.”
The full list of announced topics discussed at the annual globalist conference were as follows.
State of AI
AI Safety
Changing Faces of Biology
Future of Warfare
Geopolitical Landscape
Europe’s Economic Challenges
US Economic Challenges
US Political Landscape
Ukraine and the World
Middle East
Besides AI, transhumanist issues surrounding the “changing faces of biology,” and economic issues, notice that most of the remaining topics are related to the growing global conflicts that appear headed toward open warfare being conducted between nuclear-armed superpowers in multiple theaters — U.S./NATO against the Russians in Ukraine, war in the Middle East, and war the Far East involving China-Taiwan and potentially on the Korean peninsula.
The issue of “AI safety” likely had to do with the globalists’ plan to remove anonymity from the Internet and make all online parties take on a digital ID, thus making it easier to censor and punish online voices that disagree with the prevailing globalist narratives.
Founded in 1954 with a meeting hosted by Prince Bernhard of The Netherlands in the Hotel de Bilderberg in the Dutch village of Oosterbeek, the annual meeting of the Bilderberg Group is believed to be a driving force behind major globalist projects and initiatives.
Unlike similar institutions such as the World Economic Forum, the Bilderbergs meet strictly behind closed doors with participants sworn to secrecy according to the so-called Chatham House Rule. This rule prohibits the disclosure of the identity of those behind any idea mentioned during the meeting.
The shroud of secrecy surrounding the meeting of Bilderberg globalists has led to many theories regarding the influence the conference may exert on the policy of various nations and corporations.
Breitbart reports that a 2023 study from Lukas Kantor of Prague’s Charles University found that at least 133 politicians were elevated to positions of power after attending a Bilderberg meeting, including former U.S. President Bill Clinton, ex-German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and current French President Emmanuel Macron.
According to Kantor, at least 42 participants became either prime ministers, presidents, or the top officials of international organizations such as the European Union, NATO or the International Monetary Fund.
Kantor wrote:
“From 2019 to 2023, all key international organizations—EU, NATO, IMF, and UN—have been chaired by Bilderbergers (Ursula von der Leyen, Jens Stoltenberg, Kristalina Georgieva and Antonio Guterres). It seems improbable that this is just a coincidence.”
It’s interesting that war is on the agenda for Bilderberg 2024.
Almost every Western nation is on board with pushing the Russia-Ukraine conflict into one of the main theaters of World War III, which more than likely will turn nuclear at some point.
The only two countries in the West that have leaders firmly against expanding the war are Hungary and Slovakia. The prime minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban, is under pressure to resign over trumped up allegations of corruption and the prime minister of Slovakia, Robert Fico, was shot four times in an assassination attempt last month (he miraculously survived). Any Western leader who dares to oppose the policies of the globalist elite risks being eliminated by one means or another.
But that hasn’t stopped PM Viktor Orban of Hungary.
Hundreds of thousands participated in a peace march in Hungary’s capital of Budapest on Saturday, June 1, denouncing the EU’s policy of escalating tensions with Russia.
The event culminated with a speech by Orban, who accused Brussels of bringing Europe to the brink of World War III.
The demonstrators marched from the iconic Chain Bridge to Margaret Island on the Danube River.
Many carried flags, chanted anti-war slogans, and held signs reading “No war” and “Give us peace, Lord.”
Prime Minister Orban then addressed the crowd, saying:
“Never before have so many people lined up for peace. We are the biggest peace corps, the largest peacekeeping force in Europe. Europe must be prevented from rushing into war, into its own destruction.”
Orban said his country must draw lessons from the devastation it went through during the darkest times of the 20th century.
He told the crowd:
“In the two world wars, the Hungarians lost 1.5 million lives, and with them – their future children and grandchildren. I’m saying this slowly so that Brussels would understand: we will not go to war. We will not go to the East for a third time, we will not go to the Russian front again.”
Orban urged everyone to support the “pro-peace and pro-sovereignty” agenda of the ruling Fidesz party in the European Parliament election next week, adding, “Do we want to shed Hungarian blood for Ukraine? No, we don’t.”
There were also large protests in Berlin this weekend. You won’t hear much about this growing anti-war movement on NBC, ABC, CNN or Fox News. No American or European parents or grandparents in their right minds wish to see their young people sent off to fight Russians in defense of the corrupt Western proxy nation of Ukraine. But that’s exactly where the Bilderbergs, Trilateralists, WEF’rs and their puppet leaders are driving us. is 100 percent reader supported and not beholden to any corporate ads or sponsorships. If you appreciate my work and would like to support it, you may send a donation of any size c/o Leo Hohmann, P.O. Box 291, Newnan, GA 30264, or via credit card below.
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Thanks for the updates on Bilderberg - haven't looked into them for awhile. The oligarchs wish to escalate WW III to try to hide their many grave errors.