Report: Army’s trannies are exempt from physical fitness standards…
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The US military is at a major crossroads — or perhaps a “cross dressing” road, to be more exact.
The US military is at a major crossroads — or perhaps a “cross dressing” road, to be more exact.
During the month of June, which sadly, has been hijacked by the LGBTQ+, the woke US military pushed out a slew of trans-related propaganda, including the latest debacle involving “Rachel Jones,” the newest cross-dressing military man. In what can only be seen as a spiteful and disrespectful move, the military strategically released this clip just ahead of July 4th.
These are the real heroes?
This video has sparked a lot of controversy, and, did you happen to notice something about the above trannies? They’re looking pretty corpulent. Major Fatass… er, Jones, is looking like he needs boot camp again.
Why is that? Well, here’s what journalist Jordan Schachtel reported.
Turns out Mr. “Rachel” won’t need to worry about things like weight standards, at all. Since he identifies as trans, Mr. “Rachel” will be exempt from such inconvenient things as staying shape.
Here’s a closeup of the images:
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