NY Times, Again, Tries to Normalize Injecting Kids With Neurotoxins
Normalizing neurotoxic vaccine adjuvants has been a bread and butter staple for corporate media for over a decade
Normalizing neurotoxic vaccine adjuvants has been a bread and butter staple for corporate media for over a decade. 15 years ago it was local KEYE TV CBS Austin who, with a straight face and The Science™-like authoritative tone, told you that injecting mercury ‘helps kids.’
Now, our friends at the New York Times just ran the headline, Yes, Some Vaccines Contain Aluminum. That’s a Good Thing.
In the article, the NY Times admits, “…aluminum adjuvants are found in 27 routine vaccines, and nearly half of those recommended for children under 5.”
Meanwhile, back in reality, aluminum adjuvants are literally toxic to the human body, causing cellular and nerve death. The corporate media and public health experts will tell you that the aluminum is just in the shots for a little bump…just to kick up the inflammation a notch.
Aluminum adjuvants also cause immune dysregulation, and are used in labs to induce autoimmunity in mice.
Yet aluminum adjuvants are included in 27 shots for children under 5 boasts the NY Times.
Harmful…helpful…or both?
To settle some of the controversy, attorneys representing the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) asked the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to produce the studies relied upon to claim injected aluminum is safe.
It took HHS (CDC’s parent agency) nearly three and a half years to come up with its final response in 2022, stating it could not locate a single study.
ICAN’s attorneys also sent the same request to the NIH, which responded the same way, conceding that no records were found.
If the science is ‘robust’ and ‘settled'…where is it?
As far as amounts, we know it’s just a small, precise amount of neurotoxin to kick off inflammation in the body…right?
Back in 2021, top aluminum researchers measured the aluminum content of thirteen infant vaccines and compared it to what the manufacturer's data claimed was in the shots. The researchers found the following:
If researchers were able to independently verify the neurotoxic aluminum content in test samples, surly the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is actively monitoring them to ensure both efficacy and safety. Right?
In 2021, ICAN submitted a petition asking the FDA to:
“…publicly release documentation sufficient to establish that the aluminum content in each Subject Vaccine is consistent with amount provided in its labeling”
The FDA has yet to release said documentation.
Until manufactures are able to switch the current class of vaccine tech over to next- generation mRNA platforms, the aluminum-adjuvanted shots appear to need defending at all costs.
Disingenuous corporate media outlets and public health experts are using the public’s lack of understanding on this subject to construct hit-pieces in the run-up RFK Jr’s confirmation hearing this Wednesday and Thursday.
Meanwhile, another longtime staple of deceptive media has made a sudden comeback this week as the inaccurate and ignorant slur ‘anti-vax’ is being slung across headlines.
No real journalist would use that word...especially now post-pandemic in the wake of failed shot mandates and delayed compensation for harms caused by the COVID shots in the CICP.
The ‘anti-vax’ industry talking point has become an intellectually lazy attempt to neutralize opposition to greater inconvenient truths. No serious person uses it anymore and expects to not endure rightful scorn and ridicule. It most likely is having the opposite effect whenever it is floated.
Meanwhile, scientists are working on greater questions regarding aluminum exposure and human health.
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