MUST SEE: Pharmacist MELTS DOWN When Customer Points Out The TRUTH About COVID Vaccines
The visibly terrified pharmacist reveals that he is feeling “totally inadequate as a pharmacist” while noting that he is “just doing his job” in dishing out the vaccinations.
We’ve now reached a point in the COVID life cycle where even individuals who used to support the forced injections are admitting they were wrong – but the Big Pharma overlords are STILL forcing people to play along like good little puppets!
A recent interaction between a drug store pharmacist and an informed customer proved just that when the pharmacist had a complete MELT DOWN over the fact that he has no choice but to administer the deadly injections.
After the customer points out the fact that vaccine labels are intentionally BLANK to hide what’s really in them, the pharmacist with a guilty conscious admits he should “not be giving these vaccines at all.”
The visibly terrified pharmacist reveals that he is feeling “totally inadequate as a pharmacist” while noting that he is “just doing his job” in dishing out the vaccinations.
But that answer is one which is simply not good enough.
When the customer asks the pharmacist if he’s familiar with the Nuremberg trials – which resulted in a global ban of unethical medical experiments on humans – she pointed out to him that “just doing my job” is not an excuse for what’s happening.
The drug store pharmacist seems to be quite noticeably disturbed by the things this well-informed customer is making him aware of and ultimately claims that he can “no longer advocate for the vaccines” after their discussion.
Watch the video here to see the reaction of a man who KNOWS he is helping Big Pharma commit crimes against humanity!
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“Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! by Etienne de la Boetie2
Anarchy Exposed! - A former police officer reports on his investigative journeyby Shepard the Voluntaryist and Larken Rose
The Most Dangerous Superstition by Larken Rose
Sedition, Subversion and Sabotage – Field Manual #1 by Ben Stone, The Bad Quaker, and Ken Yamarashi
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Yes, Jimmy, it’s real. Really bloody insane most people are still in complete denial with their heads up their bloody assholes. Can I still say bloody without getting shadow-band? I wouldn’t want to offend the control-monsters destroying humanity and my entire world.
It’s like having a discussion about whether or not the Protocols of Zionism is real or not. People will attack me for posting the 3 hour audio reading of this very Satanic document within all of my publications—as if I wrote the goddamn thing.
Both of these very important documents (the Zionist Protocols & Vaccine Fact-Sheet) have Four very important facts in common:
1) the relevance of the date of discovery
2) the information contained (and missing)
3) the events of history as they have played out day by day, decade by decade over time
4) the less-than 1% (ultra-rich war, energy & disease profiteers) responsible for Both documents and all of the misery, suffering and murders they have profited from over the years and centuries.
I remember this video from about 2 years ago. At that time I recall trying to share on FB, it was removed. Now we know why.