Argentinean President Javier Milei is seen, here issuing the coup de grâce to the World Economic Forum, following Donald Trump's teleconferenced deletion of the Davos Agenda, with his vow to unleash the United States' untapped petroleum reserves, along with his complete demolition of DEI policies at home and with the exit from the United Nations-sponsored "Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative" by JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Citigroup and Morgan Stanley.
The list of erstwhile Davos mainstays not in attendance this year also speaks volumes. Completely absent were Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Chinese President Xi Jinping, French President Emmanuel Macron, Italy's leader Giorgia Meloni and British Prime Minister Keir Starmer.
Milei's succint and impassioned speech appears to have meted-out the final Death Blow to the WEF.
It seems fair, at this point to ask whether there will ever be another Davos meeting.
Javier Milei: These forums promote an agenda. They are trying to promote an agenda to force us to accept that gender is purely a matter of self-perception.
They're silent when a man poses as a woman and kills his rival in a boxing ring or when a male inmate claims to be female and ends up raping women in prison.
Just recently, a global news story broke about two American men who waved the flag of "sexual diversity" but were sentenced to 100 years for abusing and filming their adopted kids for over two years.
Let me be clear: When I say "abuse", it is not a euphemism.
Extreme gender ideology is, quite simply child abuse.
They are pedophiles.
So I want to know who is supporting these behaviors, that are irreversibly harming healthy kids with hormones and surgical mutilations – as if a 5-year-old could consent to such things!
And if the family disagrees, state agents are ready to step in, for what they call "the child's interests".
Believe me, the horrific experiments done in the name of this criminal ideology will be condemned and compared with those of the darkest times in history.
Covering for these awful practices are the eternal victims, always quick to accuse their critics of "homophobia", "transphobia" and other made-up terms, to silence those exposing this horror, currently being enabled by the authorities.
Elsewhere, in our companies, public institutions and schools, merit has been sidelined by the doctrine of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), regressing to aristocratic systems from the times of old.
Politicians invent quotas for countless minorities, which only undermines these institutions' excellence.
Wokeness has also distorted the immigration cause. Free movement of goods and people is fundamental to liberalism. We know this well. Argentina, the US and many other countries grew great from immigrants seeking new opportunities.
Yet, we've shifted from attracting foreign talent to promote growth, to allowing mass immigration driven by guilt, not by national interest.
The West, blamed for all of the ills of history must "redeem itself" by opening borders, leading to a reverse colonialism, akin to a collective suicide.
We now see hordes of immigrants abusing, raping or killing Europeans, whose only sin was not adhering to a particular religion.
Yet, anyone questioning these situations is branded as "racist", "xenophobic" or a "Nazi".
This mindset, promoted by institutions such as this one [the World Economic Forum] has deeply-penetrated society, by questioning the concept of sex through harmful gender ideology.
This has led to more state intervention, via absurd laws, like funding hormones and surgeries to match individuals' self-perception.
Only now, do we see the effects of a generation that mutilated their bodies, promoted by a culture of sexual relativism. These children will need lifelong therapy, to cope with what was done to them.
Yet, nobody speaks up about these issues.
These laws have made made most people slaves to a tiny minority's misguided self-perceptions.
Furthermore, this ideology aims to hijack our future.
By dominating the leadership of the world's most prestigious universities, they are training our countries' elites to reject the culture, ideas and values that made us great, further damaging our social fabric.
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Thanks to God for giving us Argentinean President Javier Milei and President Trump.
People do not generally mutilate their bodies. Mutilators with a LICENSE BY THE STATE TO BE SURGEONS are the ones who mutilate chests and genitals.
They are responsible.
And the Judges who pretend this is normal.
Same with Euthanasia. The legislators who vote for Euthanasia are responsible.
Same with psychiatric medication that permanently harms people.
All authorized, all legalized, to satisfy the whims of antihuman ideologies.