MAHAHAHA! RFK Jr Pulls the Ol' Switcheroo
Mr "I'm Pro-Vaccine" suffers crippling memory loss when it comes to post-vaxxx excess mortality.
He did and said all the right things.
He criticized vaccines, even telling an interviewer in July 2023, “There's no vaccine that is, you know, safe and effective.”
He wrote a book describing what a turd Anthony Fauci was.
He ran an organization called the Children’s Health Defense Fund.
The mainstream media called him a “conspiracy theorist,” which is code for “person who says things that freak out the sheep and anger the authorities, but are later found to be true.”
RFK Jr, or Bobby as he is affectionately known, was one of us.
Or so it seemed.
Bobby was Working Both Sides of the Street
What we now know as the Children’s Health Defense Fund (CHD) began life as the World Mercury Project (WMP).
A 2016 press release credits Kennedy with single-handedly launching the WMP in November of that year.
That version of history has been revised at the current CHD website, which now claims WMP came about when Kennedy “joined forces” in 2016 with activist Eric Gladen and mothers of vaccine-injured children, Laura Bono and Lyn Redwood.
Turns out neither version is correct. It was Gladen who formed the WMP, in 2007 in Southern California. Gladen says he got mercury poisoning from a tetanus shot, and in 2014 released a film about the link between autism and thimerosal called Trace Amounts. Gladen told AP News that the day after screening the movie at Kennedy’s sister’s house in Malibu, Junior called to say he wanted in.
That was in 2015. The WMP had been struggling to stay afloat, but everything changed when Kennedy joined. It reported just $13,114 in revenue on its 2014 tax filings, which jumped to $467,443 the following year with Bobby on board.
The 2015 filing shows Gladen drew only $15,000 in compensation for his work at WMP.
In 2016, with Kennedy bringing in new money, Gladen drew a salary of $40,200 from WMP. He told AP News he stepped down for health reasons in August 2016, but continued to support the organization’s work.
In 2017, with Gladen gone, Kennedy awarded himself a salary of $131,250 - a sizable chunk of the organization’s $727,175 revenue for that year.
A 2018 press release lauded Kennedy for creating the Children’s Health Defense that year. In reality, the WMP had simply been rebranded.
Kennedy’s earnings from the ‘non-profit’ continued to rise every year, peaking in 2022 at $514,229 (at current exchange rates, that’s AUD $820,000).
By 2022, CHD was receiving a hefty $22,555,287 in contributions and grants. I’d love to tell you just who was pumping so much money into Kennedy’s organization, but it seems CHD doesn’t want us to know. On the section of its 990 forms where contributor details are entered, CHD simply writes “RESTRICTED.”
Nothing to see here, plebs, now move along.
In 2023, with the announcement of his run for president, Kennedy took leave from the CHD. In an audacious rort, his salary was doubled prior to him stepping away, allowing him to still draw $326,056 despite his short 2023 tenure!
What a guy.
A Whole Lot of Nothing
The CHD’s stated mission is “ending childhood health epidemics by eliminating toxic exposure. We will restore and protect the health of children by eliminating environmental exposures, holding responsible parties accountable, and establishing safeguards to prevent future harm of children’s health.”
Needless to say, the CHD hasn’t eliminated diddly squat. With a string of failed lawsuits to its name, CHD hasn’t had much success in holding responsible parties accountable.
Instead of establishing safeguards, Bobby has partnered up with Captain Warp Speed.
Bobby’s run for presidency morphed into an invitation to join Team Trump - which he eagerly accepted.
The so-called “anti-vaxxer” and “conspiracy theorist,” the self-proclaimed defender of children against toxic exposures, teamed up with Donald Trump - the very same guy who greenlighted biochemical warfare upon America by signing Operation Warp Speed into effect.
The very same guy who continues to praise the toxic mRNA shots and willfully denies the widespread death and injury they have caused.
“I’m Not Gonna Take Away Anybody’s Vaccines!”
So, if his nomination for secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services is confirmed, will Bobby prove himself a fearless anti-vaccine warrior?
Not bloody likely.
Here he is, late last year, telling a MSNBC reporter “I’m not gonna take away anybody’s vaccines. I’ve never been anti-vaccine.”
“If vaccines are working for somebody, I’m not going to take them away,” he says about the fraudulent class of drugs that are based on a lie and have rarely been tested under randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled conditions.
For the edification of pharma shills like Paul Offit, a true “placebo” injection is a saline solution - not another vaccine, or an injection containing the same shady adjuvants as the test drug but missing the so-called weakened or inactivated ‘virus’.
In July 2023, Bobby stated:
“There's no vaccine that is, you know, safe and effective … The polio vaccine contained a, a virus called Simian virus 40, SV40. It's one of the most carcinogenic materials, that is known to man. In fact, it's used now by scientists around the world, to induce tumors and rats and Guinea pigs and labs.”
It’s true: The toxin, uh, excuse me, ‘virus’ known as SV40 reliably induces tumors in animal experiments.
So when asked last month if he supported the polio vaccine, did RFK Jr fix his gaze on the reporter, and tell him, “that poison? Get the #$%^ outta here!! What do I look like to you? A pharma bitch?!?”
Nope. He didn’t say that at all.
This is what he actually said.
“I support it.”
Here’s Junior spreading more love for the useless drugs that have been deployed to turn kids into pharma pin cushions:
“I want to say it emphatically, I am pro-vaccine, I’ve always been fiercely pro-vaccine, I had all six of my children vaccinated.”
So if his nomination is confirmed, it seems pretty clear Bobby Bullshit Junior is not going to take on Big Pharma over vaccines.
So what does he plan to do?
He wants to Make America Healthy Again™.
Because what America really needs is more bullshit slogans.
He wants to regulate ‘chemicals’ in food and limit access to soda and processed foods through school lunches and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.
He has floated an idea to swap tallow fat for seed oils to make french fries healthier.
He said the second Trump administration would advise that fluoride be removed from the nation’s water supply.
Fries and Flouride Didn’t Cause Unprecedented Excess Mortality After the Gene Therapy Rollout
Research has established a fairly consistent link between flouride intake and lowered IQ in children. People should not be exposed to controversial ingredients in their drinking water that they never consented to, so removing flouride from drinking water is something of a no-brainer.
If it ever happens.
Removing soft drink from federally-subsidized school lunch programs is also a commonsense move.
As for removing ‘processed’ foods, what exactly does RFK Jr mean by this vague definition? The term “processed” covers everything from Oreos to tomato sauce and olive oil.
Where does Mr Bactrack Jr intend to draw the line?
Does he even intend to draw a line? Given he was recently photographed with Trump, Musk and Don Jr tucking into a McDonalds burger, and washing it down with Coke (read: soft drink), can we trust anything he says about Making America Healthy Again?
But these are all side issues.
Because the real issue - that you, I, and Trump and RFK Jr know full bloody well - is that the startling global increase in excess mortality that commenced shortly after the COVID ‘vaccine’ rollout was not caused by school lunches, soft drinks or fries soaked in shady seed oils.
RFK Jr knows the real cause, and he’s avoiding it.
Just like Trump, he’s part of the circus.
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I'm really disappointed in the level of propaganda in this "opinion " piece.....I'm so sick of people spouting off with out the use of critical thinking skills. And I expect more from this page, at least I used to, but this is happening more and more.... how about "do better" or "be better"?
Think about this: rfk is a LAWYER, he has always been consistent regarding vaxes. He says: I'm not against vaxes, I just want to see some long term studies that prove safe n effective.
What on earth is wrong with that????
He KNOWS ( just like you? and me!) that studies will never prove that!!!!
He doesn't need to create walls by dissing vaxxing out loud, just ask for rational proof..... again, he is a lawyer.
This piece is something I expect to find in the comments section, smh.
And fyi, my ideology is more anarchy than libertarian.
NO federal government would be fine with me.
I am sure Robert F. Kennedy, Jr will be a great Health and Human Services Secretary.
There have been no studies proving vaccines are safe because vaccines are not safe and the manufacturers know it therefore studies have not been done. Some study on 1 vaccine with limited range was done and all vaccines were pronounced safe because there is so much money in them them to well people and all of that don't just have a small group of sick customers for xyz treatment ....... and the CDC buying half of them and giving them out for "free". and paying everyone within sight for "helping" to give them out. Also, apparently manufacturers test a new vaccine by picking an existing vaccine that they expect has similar bad side effects to the new one .... so the new vaccine is tested against the existing vaccine and passes by the FDA / CDC as long as the new vaccine doesn't have any additional bad side effects. It only takes a general understanding of the current process to know we have all been misinformed quite extensively for decades. Vitamin D, Vitamin C, and ivermectin and orthomolecular medicine have alot to offer without some percentage of the recipients having extreme life changing harm done to them and their families.
Dr. Judy Mikovits who worked for the federal government for 20 years has physical proof apparently that cell lines used in vaccine production are contaminated with retro viruses that are causing illness, disease, cancers across the population including autism etc. etc. 3 of her books, Plague, Plague of Corruption, and End of Plague explain in detail.
I'm fine with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr being HHS Secretary because I learned most of what I know that is bad about vaccines from him and his Children's Health Defense. Including the book
Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth
Mary Holland
Zoey O'Toole
490 ratings89 reviews
If you are reading this, you are probably aware of the fierce debate surrounding vaccination and looking for information that will allow you to make the best decisions for yourself and your loved ones. Whether you are a parent or a parent to be, sorting through the many arguments on vaccines can be daunting. Still, you need an answer, a definitive one, to the crucial Who has it right in the great vaccine debate – the critics, who claim that vaccines often cause serious harm, or the medical establishment, which tells us that vaccines are safe and effective and the science is settled?