Larken Rose & Etienne on The Free Thought Project Podcast - Voluntaryism, Solutions, and Liberty on the Rocks
Jason Bassler, Matt Agorist, Larken Rose & Etienne de la Boetie2 - Kick Around Voluntaryism and Liberty on the Rocks 2024
Hey fellow free thinkers,
I know it’s been a while since I’ve reached out, but I just had to share something important with you all. Jason and I recently recorded a killer podcast episode with Larken Rose and Etienne De La Boetie2—two brilliant minds in the Voluntaryism space. It was the third time we’ve had Larken on, and honestly, every conversation with him and Etienne digs deeper into how voluntaryism is not just a philosophy, but a solution.
We spent time dissecting how people are already practicing voluntaryism in their daily lives without even realizing it—and how the state creates this massive blind spot in society when it comes to authority and personal freedom. Larken’s insights on authority being the “most dangerous superstition” and Etienne’s focus on exposing government criminality made this one of the most eye-opening conversations we’ve had in a while.
I know things can feel pretty bleak out there, but trust me—there are solutions. If you're as curious about these ideas as I am, and you want to dive deeper into voluntaryism, there’s an upcoming conference, Liberty on the Rocks in Sedona, AZ (Nov 1-3). It’s a great opportunity to learn more about these concepts and meet like-minded people who are serious about freedom.
We’ve managed to work out a little something to help with the cost of the event. If you’re interested in going, you can use the code TFTP5 to save 5% on your tickets. Here’s the link: Liberty on the Rocks.
Hope to see you there.
Stay free, Matt Agorist
On November 1st-3rd, The Art of Liberty Foundation will be hosting Liberty on the Rocks – Sedona – The Voluntaryism Conference.
Discover the option that is NEVER offered or discussed by the MainStreamMedia or the MainStream Alternative Media: REAL FREEDOM!
We don’t really need “Government!”
All the legitimate services provided by monopoly “government” would be better provided by the free market, mutual aid societies, armed protective service companies, arbitration providers, insurance companies, and genuine charities.
Without the government’s mandatory inflationary money and confiscatory taxation, the economy would prosper and the population would be much wealthier and better able to help the poor, needy and disadvantaged.
Come join some of the country’s leading economists, legal experts and political philosophers discuss how the world could have more harmony and prosperity without “government” - In-Person or Virtual – November 1st-3rd
Go Paid on Substack @ the $50 a Year Level and get a Free Ticket to the Liberty on the Rocks virtual conference and a free softcover copy of Etienne’s new book: Voluntaryism – How the Only “ISM” Fair for Everyone Leads to Harmony, Prosperity and Good Karma for All when released in November.
The conference sounds awesome but it kinda galls me that no women are featured. Even if one or two were, that's not enough, it needs to be noticed when this imbalance occurs and it needs to be righted by having a roughly equal proportion. Ratios need to be noticed. I realize that is an advancement that is not in the minds of most people but it is very important to get the other side's perspectives and thus the new thinking must incorporate that and be an example. That is also what it means to lead others, to show the discrepancy and act to rectify it. Sheesh women were left out of everything for eons, isn't it time now that we go forth together in fairness?