How the US Government (FDA, DOD) removed the requirement for informed consent for EUA Countermeasures.
Criminals do not follow laws. They write them.
Etienne Note: BLA stands for Biologics License Application, which is the FDA's process used to request permission to introduce, or deliver a biologic product into interstate commerce.
I wanted to add some information to a recent post by Katherine Watt: email answer to Bill Marshall (Judicial Watch). I agree with Katherine that both “aproved” (BLA) and EUA versions of covid shots are fake and poisonous. This applies to all of the 400+ covid products on the market - all of them are Emergency Use (EUA) only. The most important thing about EUA status - it is non-investigational by law (Para 564 of FDCA). Most people do not fully grasp the meaning of this. While a chemical entity is classed as a non-investigational entity, it can never become a medicinal product in the ethical meaning of medicine, i.e. to treat, deliver some therapeutic benefit while minimizing the risk. That is completely out of the question for an EUA. It can never be used in a real clinical trial, because a clinical trial is a legally safeguarded investigation in humans. Since no clinical trials are possible, no FDA approval (BLA) is possible as BLA by law requires safeguarded clinical trials with informed consent.
The BLA can only be theoretically achieved if the PHE is terminated, PREP Act declaration is terminated, EUA is revoked, product removed from market, and only after a new set of regulated, safeguarded real clinical trials are performed. Obviously, this will never happen for mRNA products. Given the well-documented slaughter that they have caused, any institutional review board (IRB) that is insane enough to approve a “trial” of a known lethal poison in humans will have a bullseye painted on it for liability lawsuits. There is no way to ever test this garbage in people under normal ethical bioresearch frameworks. In addition, it is impossible to manufacture these things to cGMP/pharma standards, as making of biologics is a probabilistic and not a deterministic process. All of this was well known to the regulators, DARPA and to manufacturers prior to 2020. That’s why they went into so much effort to change the US law and construct the legal kill box which thoroughly shields them from liability before faking the pandemic, lying on a massive scale and deploying this poison on billions of people.
How is the DOD claiming that they did not fraudulently push an EUA product under mandates?
The US Gov + pharma papered over the removal of informed consent in the following way:
The FDA asked Pfizer to "identify BLA-compliant" lots around August 2021. Pfizer identified 9 lots. This is covered by an article by Kathy Willis, here: Note that the statistic about 5% of the lot represented by the BLA lots is not correct as she did not have the correct number of total shipped lots at the time. We have spoken since and I provided the correct dataset. However, that does not change the point of the article. The pertinent info is that Pfizer identified some lots as BLA-compliant. I do not believe these lots are materially different from the rest of the product. Pfizer's self-declared cGMP compliance, since there was no FDA inspection at the time, and no inspections of Pfizer facilities happened since, and there is no requirement for FDA inspections nor any enforcement of cGMP compliance for EUA Countermeasures.
For example, by searching VAERS for about 10 minutes, I found this report. A 33 yo healthy male with no pre-existing medical issues suddenly died while jogging. He received 2 doses of Pfizer, both from the “BLA” lots! The death occurred 600 days after the 2nd shot, and it was deemed vax-induced based on the autopsy:
Once Pfizer identified some random 9 lots as "BLA-compliant", the FDA issued the BLA letter.
After that - see my post
Peter Marks (head of FDA CBER) explaining in his own words how the FDA performed a classic “bait and switch” scheme:
Importantly, the vax administrators were directed to NOT provide the informed consent.
On the same basis as the FDA, the DOD pretends that it is possible in theory for Pfizer to ship some BLA lots, therefore anything they ship is deemed possible to mandate and informed consent is not needed.
Finally, the DOD was caught fraudulently re-labeling EUA product as "Comirnaty" to overcome the resistance of people who knew that EUA cannot be mandated. See this DOD Whistleblower affidavit.
As you can see, the criminals occupying government positions do not follow the laws. They write them. When in a bind, they paper over their crimes with these types of acrobatic moves. So far, all courts have sided with the covid mafia cartel, adding insult to injury by explaining to the injured, bereaved and destitute plaintiffs that it was not a medical experiment. It clearly wasn’t. Premeditated murder and attempted murder are typically not experimental, non-investigational activities.
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While full disclosure is not required and certain legal liabilities & recourse are not in place when an experimental drug is promoted under 'Emergency Use Authorization' (EUA), might I suggest that common sense should still be used when 'safe & effective' is being heavily pushed with con-man gimmicks like rewards of cash, fast food, a chance to win a lottery, as well as shaming & penalties such as losing one's job or school enrollment, professional licenses, and reputation for an alleged pandemic that is over 98-99% survivable?
Sometimes it seems so hard to make sense all this. And when you see and hear all this, sometimes you wonder what kind of advances has the human race really made? It’s like the rabbit and the turtle have a race. That rabbit just keeps on running. This is no fairytale story. They say the poor and the uneducated is lacking in something. The direction and the speed that rabbit is going I think it’s missing a lot. After this race will we be push forward or backwards. One thing for sure we have something in us that they can’t take that they can’t destroy for when they pop up we’ll be there. Taking these words from a song, “just a few things I would like to say”.