How does salt restriction lead to heart dis-ease & fear based reactionary thinking?
Salt restriction equals chronic adrenal emergency response.
Hydration equals salt plus water as water follows salt.
Dehydration: think sticky instead of slick: clotting, adhesions, brain plague …
The body thrives when fully hydrated. Consider a baby versus the elderly - the marked change is hydration. The body is self healing in a hydrated state.
The intravenous saline drip saves lives because it rehydrates.
Bush medicine: Murphy Drip or salt water enema rehydrates via the bowel mucosa.
The kidneys are designed to function with an abundance of salt. Prior to the 1900s it was common to preserve food with salt. Removing excess salt is a kidney’s natural function.
What happens when salt is restricted?
Dehydration, hyponatremia and low salt are all names for the same condition. ACUTE: life threatening CHRONIC: dis-ease causing
A-Anorexia, Nausea & Vomiting (food fussiness)
L-Lethargy (tiredness and irritability)
T-Tendon reflexes decreased (falls, dropping things)
L-Limp muscles (general weakness)
O-Orthostatic hypotension (dizzy on rising)
S-Seizures/headache (forgetfulness, brain fog)
S-Stomach cramping (muscle twitching and cramping) Source
Increased Heart Rate should be added to the list of indicators for dehydration.
Dehydration leads to low blood volume and increases the heart’s work load as it compensates by raising the heart rate. Dizzy on rising indicates orthostatic hypotension or low blood pressure.
The brain is extremely sensitive to dehydration, think about this next time you have a headache and/or problems with recall. If dehydration gets worse: brain fog, confusion and coma follow.
Dementia and Alzhemers’s are likely the result of chronic brain dehydration. Woman are over represented in cognitive decline. Women have higher demands for salt to maintain their reproductive system.
Salting your food aids digestion. The stomach requires chloride to make adequate stomach acid so digestion can be completed in the stomach. If there is low stomach acid, food ferments in the intestines, causing gas to push upwards and this causes heart burn/indigestion. Fat digestion: salt is carefully conserved in the bile salt cycle.
Mucosal salt acts like a humidifier. The lung mucosa uses salt to add moisture to the air so it reaches 100% humidity at the alveoli. Respiratory symptoms occur after an incident of dehydration. The mucosa over produces as it rehydrates the respiratory tract and restores its function. Cold dry air holds the least moisture. This is why respiratory dis-ease is seasonal. Time spent in cold dry air outside or time inside in heated dry air, both have potential to dehydrate.
Decreased ability to adapt to a challenging environment: heat or cold and stress.
Salt increases tolerance for heat and cold and stress.
Take a salted water bottle on your next excursion in the heat and notice the difference. Wim Hoff method: ice plunges - do you need more salt to tolerate the cold?
Chronic dehydration results in chronic adrenal response.
The adrenals respond to low salt by producing and releasing all their adrenal cortical hormones not just aldosterone.
This changes the kidneys state of ease (releasing sodium) to dis-ease (retaining sodium). The adrenals take charge because they are perpetually rescuing the body from dehydration because of salt restriction.
Analogy: Salt restriction requires driving a car in reverse. The car is built to drive forwards but with limited salt the adrenals disable that function.
When the adrenals are relied upon for survival in salt restriction, they have two choices: adrenal fatigue or adrenal hyperplasia (grow larger). The adrenals are built like booster rockets, they are meant to fire up, rescue the body from dehydration and quietly restore their hormonal stocks, ready to respond to the next emergency. In salt restriction they have an ongoing role.
Adrenal fatigue: stress becomes intolerable. These people avoid stressful situations. They will take the easy path to avoid confrontation. Any stress translates to dreadful tiredness.
Adrenal hyperplasia: Aldosterone: blood pressure rises for no good reason and salt retention is very efficient - these are the salt sensitives. Cortisol: Blood sugar rises. Adrenaline: Anxiety rises. Sex hormones are suppressed. These people are always anxious for no good reason so any molehill becomes a mountain. They react from hindbrain / fear based thinking and can not access the frontal cortex to defend themselves from fear based propaganda.
Restrict salt and this state is maintained chronically.
Kidneys become dis-eased
Lungs become dis-eased (they have large salt requirements)
Adrenals become either exhausted or enlarged
Blood sugar levels become diabetic
Anxiety becomes panic attacks
Suppressed sex hormones becomes infertility
Salt restriction causes acute and chronic dehydration and maintains the production of adrenal cortical hormones that in turn cause a malady of chronic dis-eases and fear based reactionary thinking.
Put SALT front and centre because water follows salt.
Remember salt stores are raided in states of dehydration / low salt. For example: muscles, joint capsules, bones, eyes, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory mucosa ... this is why at a certain age your eyes don’t bounce back to shape from near to far sightedness. The elderly shrink as their spinal column loses salt and water. Hip and knee replacements have become common.
Alcohol dehydrates
The hangover is an acute expression of salt loss. Salt plus water is the remedy.
A word of caution:
Salt increases blood pressure by optimising hydration. When rehydrating with salt water the pendulum can swing forth and blood pressure can go above normal levels before it swings back. Add salt gently giving your body time to adjust. If you have been living in a dry desert, don’t cause a flood.
If you are a salt sensitive, your adrenals have enlarged, so they will need time to adjust. They adapted to their salt restricted environment so I expect they can also decrease in size as salt becomes plentiful and their role returns to emergencies.
Think of your favourite salty foods.
Chicken soup with salt to taste is the classic restorative food. Salt plus gelatine.
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there is the sodium/potassium balance in the body. In summer it is natural to have a greater consumption of potassium than sodium cause of all the fresh produce being consumed. This is primal from before modern transporation. Now, in winter, we can eat potassium rich foods like bananas and that really confuses the body into thinking it's still summer. Following from this the Vitamin D in the liver does not go to the kidneys to get multiplied like it would if sodium were the dominant like it would in winter. So we really have to take vitamin D here in the north lands in winter, unless we can get some liver of a fish, or we eat a primitive diet without fresh foods.. dried foods would be necessary..