HIDDEN CAMERA Shows Pro-Israel Protesters Secretly Paid To Do It!
An Undisclosed Pro-Israeli Group is Paying $50,000 to Bus In Pro-Israel Protestors to College Campuses
Etienne Editorial: Talk show host Lee Camp breaks hidden camera footage that exposes how the Israeli lobby in the U.S. is paying protestors to support their terror campaign in Gaza by bussing them in to counter organic pro-Palestinian demonstrations on college campuses. In my book “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! – How Inter-Generational Organized Crime Runs the “Government” Media and Academia, I make the case that “Control of Perception” is the most powerful weapon in the world. Here is a perfect example of how organized crime-funded interests, in this case advocacy organizations aligned and potentially paid by the organized crime “government” of Israel (or at least pro-Israeli advocacy groups), are creating the fiction that there are pro-Israeli protestors at pro-Palestinian demonstrations by paying for them. The bought and paid-for Zionist-owned media can then come in, focus their cameras on the pro-Israeli protestors and make it look like the Israeli government has broad support.
Flashback Article
RFK Jr. & Understanding Zionist/Statist Domination of “Government,” Media and Banking
Ryan Cristian of TLAV & Etienne Break Down RFK Jr.'s promise to be a "Champion of Israel"
There is no domination of the media, banking and “government” by the Jews.
There is complete domination of the media, banking and “government” by inter-generational organized crime, some of whom happen to be Jewish and specialize in banking, technology (Talpiot Program) and media (control-of-perception propaganda, distraction and cultural debasement).
Ryan Cristian, founder and editor of The Last American Vagabond and Etienne de la Boetie2, founder of the Art of Liberty Foundation, break down RFK Jr.’s promise to be a “Champion of Israel” on the AM Wake Up Show with Steve Poikonen: https://rumble.com/v2t5h9q-rfk-jr-will-be-champion-of-israel-ryan-cristian-and-etienne-de-la-boetie2-b.html
In the same way that the Italian mafia is dominated by overwhelmingly Catholic Italians who promote their own because of familial and community relations, Jewish organized crime promotes their own for the exact same reasons. Additionally, the ultrareligious of any stripe are useful to intergenerational organized crime because they are essentially “programmed human beings” with an “instituitionlies belief system“ who have been raised into a particular world-view before they are old enough to evaluate the historical accuracy, logic and morality of the Talmud, Bible, Koran or “government.”
The Real Jewish People are the Victims
There are many voluntaryist, peaceful anarchist, libertarian or completely apolitical Jews who don’t support the Jewish state of Israel (or the legitimacy of any “government”). They frequently face criticism from their politically aware friends as if they are personally involved with the transfer of $3.1 Billion a year to Israel, AIPACʼs interference in US elections, Israelʼs Apartheid policies, or the massacres and land thefts of Palestinians.
The real religion of Israel isn’t Judaism; it’s Statism because the organized crime “government” of Israel is running the same unethically manipulative cult indoctrination techniques on their citizens as the US, the Soviet Union, and the Nazis: Flags, mandatory schools, youth programs, fiat money, conscription and military “training,” engineered enemies, controlled media, and forced “vaccination” for “The Covid.”
Video: Compilation of Zionists and Jews in the Media/Social Media/Search Engines (Control-of-Perception), Pornography (Cultural Debasement), Banking/Central Banking (Theft through fractional reserve banking), and “Government”/Politics to the hip hop beat of “I’m Not White, I’m Jewish” by Matt Bar Mitzvah: https://www.bitchute.com/video/3QFDi4pY9ccl/
Many people will only see the alleged religion of these employees of monopolized media companies or similar visualizations of (some) Jews in “Government,” media and banking and not realize there is another religion that ties and unites these organizations: Statism – The completely indoctrinated pseudo-religious belief in the legitimacy, desirability and necessity of having a “government” which they all push as legitimate. Besides Statism the other unifying factor in all these organizations is they have been caught lying and propagandizing the public: These are the organizations who lied to you about Iraqi WMDs, Kuwaiti babies tossed out-of-incubators, the 9-11 false flag, “The Covid,” the safety and efficacy of “vaccines,” the murder of 80+ men, women and children in Waco, The Boston Marathon Bombing, The Oklahoma City Bombing and other propaganda crimes.
BTW, the author of this article was raised Jewish and Bar Mitzvahed (now self-describes as spiritual), loves his family, the Jewish people and the Lord, and is not the least bit “Anti-Semitic.”
Please Donate to the Art of Liberty Foundation’s Fundraising Campaign
Hello friends of the Art of Liberty Foundation, Five Meme Friday and the Daily News,
We are in the midst of a fundraising campaign to publish our next major book: Voluntaryism – How the Only “ISM” Fair for Everyone Leads to Harmony Prosperity and Good Karma for All!
We have raised $38,107 (76%) of our $50,000 goal. We need to raise the remaining $11,893 as soon as possible!
We have some outstanding premiums to say thank you!
You can donate via Credit Card @ ArtOfLiberty.org/Sponsor, and we have options for offline mail-in donations and cryptocurrency donations below.
You can watch a short video from Etienne explaining the goal and needs HERE. You can download our Annual Report HERE.
Peter S. who became a $250 Founding Member on Substack wrote me a wonderful note that I would like to quote from:
"You are doing awesome work, and I am happy to support your efforts. You are helping to launch a totally new way of thinking about governments, for which I am most thankful. I have already bought several copies of your book, with the intention of giving them away to others, something which I have almost never done in my life, since your perspectives and take on history needs desperately to be shared far and wide. Even though as a philosophy major in college--before turning organic farmer—I valued books and ideas very highly, yours is a real paradigm changer!"