Gavin Newsom’s California “Loses” Over 24 BILLION Dollars for the Homeless
Since 2019, homelessness in the state rose by almost 20% to more than 181,000 and continues to grow.
Etienne Note: This article also appears in “Government”, Media and Academia Criminality Exposed, A digest of HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of articles exposing and suggesting inter-generational organized crime's control of the "Government," Media and Academia by the Art of Liberty Foundation. You can view the other articles or subscribe on Telegram:
by Fox News and Bloomberg
Over the last five years, California used $24 billion to address homelessness. A state audit revealed that there wasn’t consistent tracking to see if all that money actually helped improve the situation. The problem has only gotten worse.
Since 2019, homelessness in the state rose by almost 20% to more than 181,000 and continues to grow. California also has the nation’s highest share of “unsheltered” homeless, or people living in makeshift encampments or cars rather than indoor shelters. A critic noted that authorities know where the money was went, but they don’t want the public to know.
In March, Governor Gavin Newsom narrowly won voter approval, after campaigning for Democrats to fix their disqualified votes, for a $6.4 billion bond initiative to battle drug addiction and mental illness, as well as build more affordable housing. California has failed to allocate money toward housing quickly while at the same time the state is making it easy to sell and take drugs.
While California is a Democrat-majority blue state, it allows mail-in voting that can be corrupted and ballot harvesting that can lead to election fraud.
From Bloomberg:
California has devoted $24 billion to homelessness programs during the last five years. The problem’s only gotten worse.
Since 2019, homelessness in the state rose by almost 20% to more than 181,000. California also has the nation’s highest share of “unsheltered” homeless, or people living in makeshift encampments or cars rather than indoor shelters.
Now, confirming what many Californians undoubtedly suspected, the state auditor issued a report questioning the effectiveness of all that spending. One example: The audit revealed that the California Interagency Council on Homelessness, the state’s key coordinating body, hasn’t maintained up-to-date financial tracking since 2021.
The council “has neither ensured the accuracy of the information in the state data system, nor has it used this information to evaluate homelessness programs’ success,” the auditor’s office said.
The report casts doubt on California’s ability to address one of its most intractable problems – and spending is only set to continue. The state and its municipalities have raised billions of dollars to fund homelessness programs, in part by raising sales taxes and selling bonds. In March, Governor Gavin Newsom narrowly won voter approval for a more than $6 billion bond initiative to battle drug addiction and mental illness, as well as build more affordable housing.
To many observers, the closeness of that vote suggests growing public frustration over the state’s costly efforts to alleviate the crisis and its track record of mixed results.
According to the audit, only two of five programs assessed in detail were probably cost-effective. One converts motels and other existing buildings into homes, while the other provides financial housing assistance to at-risk families. Auditors couldn’t determine the efficacy of the other three.
To identify which programs are worth funding and replicating, state auditor Grant Parks urged the California Legislature to require government agencies to report the costs and results of spending on homelessness. The interagency homelessness council agreed with the recommendations and identified steps to implement them, according to the report.
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Peter S. who became a $250 Founding Member on Substack wrote me a wonderful note that I would like to quote from:
"You are doing awesome work, and I am happy to support your efforts. You are helping to launch a totally new way of thinking about governments, for which I am most thankful. I have already bought several copies of your book, with the intention of giving them away to others, something which I have almost never done in my life, since your perspectives and take on history needs desperately to be shared far and wide. Even though as a philosophy major in college--before turning organic farmer—I valued books and ideas very highly, yours is a real paradigm changer!"
& all by suppressing Technofascist design >
When I came up (early 60's through the 70's) it was the Demoncraps who had the rep for caring about the underserved/homeless, etc & the other Wolf in sheep's clothing Party was more about Capitalism/Business/Free Mrkts ...which at least they're closer to that original script as compared to Newsom & Ilk's Party original Platform Narrative.
My how times have changed....& sadly in the absence of the younger generation choosing to become truly effectively proactive in manifesting the changes so desperately needed, Humanity will continue on with a fate not unlike that of well fed lab rats who know no better thinking they have it so good > all the while being legally "experimented" on in exchange for the misnomer belief of possessing democracy & free speech, among other things clearly not as advertised.