Fluoride Action Network's Review of Fluoridation and the Battle Against It – September 2023 Edition
Second Dental Group Decries Fluoride’s Neurotoxicity
An association of dentists that stresses the removal of mercury amalgam fillings has joined the call to repeal water fluoridation after the release of a National Toxicology Program report that found fluoride is a neurotoxin at exposure levels found in fluoridated communities.
Fluoride-Poisoned Koalas Exterminated in Australia
The aluminum company ALCOA has killed over 150 fluoride-poisoned koalas at its smelter in Victoria, but says humans are not affected by the toxic pollution.
Fluoride Editor Sees Hypothyroidism as Explaining Other Fluoride-Induced Problems
In reiterating a point he made seven years ago, Fluoride editor Dr. Bruce Spittle notes that the recent report of an association between fluoride exposure and hypothyroidism may explain other fluoride-induced developmental disorders.
In Call to Improve Global Dental Care, Fluoridation Goes Unmentioned
In a world in which 70 % of inhabitants have little or no access to oral health care, researchers in Spain’s University of Oviedo found that while dental students there showed interest in volunteering in disadvantaged regions, their knowledge of global oral health problems was low.
Isle of Man Dentist Not in Favor of Fluoridation
In the face of new efforts to fluoridate the drinking water on the Isle of Man, UK, a leading dentist there has indicated he is opposed to the idea.
Residents Working to End Fluoridation in Parts of Montreal
Activists from the Pointe Claire section of Montreal, reporting the support of 75 percent of residents, have filed a legal claim against the City in an effort to remove fluoride from their drinking water.
What Is the Big Deal About “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed!
Etienne Breaks Down the Science for James Corbett of the Corbett Report
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I recently became aware of a whole separate issue with fluoride, and how it interacts with aluminum in body. Creates a known industrial hazard, aluminum fluoride.
from wikipedia:.
The reported oral animal lethal dose (LD50) of aluminium fluoride is 100 mg/kg.[20] Repeated or prolonged inhalation exposure may cause asthma, and may have effects on the bone and nervous system, resulting in bone alterations (fluorosis), and nervous system impairment.[21]
Many of the neurotoxic effects of fluoride are due to the formation of aluminium fluoride complexes, which mimic the chemical structure of a phosphate and influence the activity of ATP phosphohydrolases and phospholipase D. Only micromolar concentrations of aluminium are needed to form aluminium fluoride.[22]
Human exposure to aluminium fluoride can occur in an industrial setting, such as emissions from aluminium reduction processes,[23] or when a person ingests both a fluoride source (e.g., fluoride in drinking water or residue of fluoride-based pesticides) and an aluminium source; sources of human exposure to aluminium include drinking water, tea, food residues, infant formula, aluminium-containing antacids or medications, deodorants, cosmetics, and glassware.[22] Fluoridation chemicals may also contain aluminium fluoride.[24] Data on the potential neurotoxic effects of chronic exposure to the aluminium species existing in water are limited.[25]"
Who's to say if this was known or not before hand, but regardless, our own bio-chemistry is being used against us.