Florida: New Bill Proposes Elimination of Democrat Party, Holding Leftists to Their Own Rules
Florida state Republican Senator Blaise Ingoglia filed Senate Bill 1248, called “The Ultimate Cancel Act”
Florida state Republican Senator Blaise Ingoglia filed Senate Bill 1248, called “The Ultimate Cancel Act”, that proposes eliminating any party’s platform that has previously advocated for, or been in support of, slavery or involuntary servitude. Southern Democrats advocated for slavery during the Civil War, so Florida’s Democrat party would be dissolved if the bill is passed. Senator Ingoglia stated, “For years now, leftist activists have been trying to “cancel” people and companies for things they have said or done in the past. This includes the removal of statues and memorials, and the renaming of buildings. Using this standard, it would be hypocritical not to cancel the Democrat Party itself for the same reason.”
The senator did not want to “speculate” on the likelihood of the law passing, but states he intends to “apply the same benchmark,” that he is claiming was already set by Democrats.
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