Etienne Discusses "The Covid", Banking Scams, and Prepping on The Other Side of the News
Why and How Organized Crime Might Knock All the Pieces Off the Table To Cover Up the Theft of Trillions
Art of Liberty Foundation founder Etienne de la Boetie2 joins the cast of the Other Side of the News to discuss why and how the inter-generational organized crime system could knock all the pieces off the table to cover up the theft of trillions.
In a wide-ranging discussion that spans the scam of “The Covid” to the dishonest financial system, Boetie2 discusses why he thinks the organized crime system behind “government” might just engineer an economic collapse to cover up the theft of trillions and why it will be blamed on an external event (False flag EMP or cyber-attack) that will be used as a justification to shut down the internet.
“If the posse has figured out who robbed the bank and is saddling up to come after you, do you want the posse to be financially secure and well-capitalized, OR do you want them dead broke living in a militarized police state?”
Finally, Boetie2 discusses how the organized crime system suppresses the monetary metals to make inflation look less than it is while making the USD look stronger than it is. Boetie2 offers suggestions for getting prepped for a dollar devaluation or collapse.
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