Etienne de la Boetie2 Explains the Organized Crime “Government” System on the Rewriting the Future Podcast
Etienne explains how the government, media, Hollywood, academia, etc all work together to manipulate and coerce us into participating and supporting their immoral efforts - and how we can opt out.
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Show Notes:
Check out Etienne’s incredible book
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Join them soon in Sedona for Liberty on the Rocks
And his Substack! Etienne de la Boetie2
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In the Art of Liberty Foundation’s book: “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! We break down how “Government” is best thought of as a technique for robbing and controlling populations. The book also exposes how an inter-generational organized crime system has been controlling the information the population receives about the legitimacy, necessity and desirability about “government” using mandatory “government” schools, scouting, Explorers, JROTC, ROTC, police and military training, monopoly media, propaganda woven into Hollywood films and television shows, and the algorithmic censorship of the internet.
The indoctrination and propaganda have been so successful that many people have never been exposed to the alternative to top-down “government” control.
They falsely believe that voting in rigged elections for the lesser evil is their only choice.
On November 1st-3rd, The Art of Liberty Foundation will be hosting Liberty on the Rocks – Sedona – The Voluntaryism Conference.
Discover the option that is NEVER offered or discussed by the MainStreamMedia or the MainStream Alternative Media: REAL FREEDOM!
We don’t really need “Government!”
All the legitimate services provided by monopoly “government” would be better provided by the free market, mutual aid societies, armed protective service companies, arbitration providers, insurance companies, and genuine charities.
Without the government’s mandatory inflationary money and confiscatory taxation, the economy would prosper and the population would be much wealthier and better able to help the poor, needy and disadvantaged.
Come join some of the country’s leading economists, legal experts and political philosophers discuss how the world could have more harmony and prosperity without “government” - In-Person or Virtual – November 1st-3rd
Go Paid on Substack @ the $50 a Year Level and get a Free Ticket to the Liberty on the Rocks virtual conference and a free softcover copy of Etienne’s new book: Voluntaryism – How the Only “ISM” Fair for Everyone Leads to Harmony, Prosperity and Good Karma for All when released in November.
Before agriculture was invented, humans led tribal lives, hunting and gathering, essentially living "hand to mouth". Land was plentiful, and tribes were small, so any disputes over territory were settled by the weaker tribe moving on to new territory. There was little or no excess being produced, so there was little motivation for one tribe to plunder another.
When agriculture was invented, excess was produced, which led to population growth. But, farmers had their energy investment in their cleared and improved land, which made moving away impractical. Some non-agricultural tribes saw the excess farmers produced, and would attempt to plunder what the farmers produced. This was disruptive, so eventually the producers made deals with the strongest local raiding tribes for protection against raids by others. This was the birth of government. It was and is a protection racket.
Unfortunately, the protectors had the upper hand in these deals because they were in the "business" of using force, which gave them more power than the peaceful producers. The protectors were in the position of being able to dictate the terms of their deal with the producers; they set the terms (made the laws). It has been this way throughout the evolution of civilization, i.e., producers being plundered and controlled by the ruling lawmakers.
Over the centuries, the ruling class in one territory saw the excess being produced in another territory, so they invented war as a means to expand the territory under their control. And of course, those with sociopathic personalities are attracted to positions of power over others, so they gravitated to positions in the ruling group.