Etienne de la Boetie2 and Brendan Daniel Join AM Wake Up to Discuss Brendan's Song: "Organized Crime"
New Song "Organized Crime" Exposes "Rich Men North of Richmond"
Etienne de la Boetie2, founder of the Art of Liberty Foundation, and Singer/Songwriter Brendan Daniel Joined the AM Wake Up Show to Discuss Brendan's Song: "Organized Crime." Etienne and Brendan explain the back story and how "Organized Crime" picks up where Oliver Anthony's hit Rich Men North of Richmond left off by using the video to "bring the receipts" and expose HOW the "Rich Men" got rich and why Oliver Anthony and tens of millions of others are forced to "Work Overtime Hours for Bullshit Pay" because an organized crime banking system is stealing the value out of their money using fractional reserve banking.
Please Donate to the Art of Liberty Foundation’s Fundraising Campaign
Hello friends of the Art of Liberty Foundation, Five Meme Friday and the Daily News,
We are in the midst of a fundraising campaign to publish our next major book: Voluntaryism – How the Only “ISM” Fair for Everyone Leads to Harmony Prosperity and Good Karma for All!
We have raised $38,107 (76%) of our $50,000 goal. We need to raise the remaining $11,893 as soon as possible!
We have some outstanding premiums to say thank you!
You can donate via Credit Card @, and we have options for offline mail-in donations and cryptocurrency donations below.
You can watch a short video from Etienne explaining the goal and needs HERE. You can download our Annual Report HERE.
Peter S. who became a $250 Founding Member on Substack wrote me a wonderful note that I would like to quote from:
"You are doing awesome work, and I am happy to support your efforts. You are helping to launch a totally new way of thinking about governments, for which I am most thankful. I have already bought several copies of your book, with the intention of giving them away to others, something which I have almost never done in my life, since your perspectives and take on history needs desperately to be shared far and wide. Even though as a philosophy major in college--before turning organic farmer—I valued books and ideas very highly, yours is a real paradigm changer!"