Embalmers Keep Finding Fibrous CV19 Vax Clots – Tom Haviland
Results of the 2024 Worldwide Embalmer Blood Clot Survey
Embalmers Keep Finding Fibrous CV19 Vax Clots – Tom Haviland
The results of the third annual “2024 Worldwide Embalmer Blood Clot Survey” are out, and the findings are both gruesome and scary. Retired Airforce Major Tom Haviland has been doing this survey ever since he was fired from his job at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in 2021 for NOT taking the CV19 bioweapon vax. Haviland is the only one in the world doing a survey of embalmers from around the world to reveal the “unusual phenomenon of large, grotesque ‘white fibrous clots’ in the veins and arteries of corpses.” Haviland got the idea to start the survey of embalmers after seeing the movie “Died Suddenly.” Haviland explains, “About half the movie is about six or seven embalmers that started to find these white fibrous clots in the corpses they were embalming. . . . At the 13-minute mark, an amazing statement is made. An embalmer from Indiana, Wallace Hooker, was lecturing at an Ohio embalmer’s conference in Columbus, Ohio, on the 26th of October in 2022. He was lecturing to a room of about 100 embalmers. He showed them photographs of the white fibrous clots he had been pulling out of his corpses for the last year or so, and he asked by a show of hands how many of you are seeing these white fibrous clots? He said almost the entire room of 100 embalmers raised their hands and said yes. He then asked when did you start seeing them? They all said about six months after the Covid vaccines rolled out.”
So, Haviland started his own worldwide survey of embalmers three years ago. In his latest 2024 survey of embalmers from around the world, “white fibrous clots appeared in a weighted average of 27.5% of corpses.” Also, in the 2024 survey of embalmers, 83% are seeing these long fibrous clots. Haviland says this year’s 2024 survey shows the trend is increasing and not decreasing. Haviland says, “This is a phenomenon that the embalmers never saw before 2020. Prior to 2020, they only saw two types of clots. One is called ‘grape jelly’ clots, and they look like dark grape jelly. They dissolve easily in your hand like grape jelly does. There is also something called ‘chicken fat’ clots that are much smaller, yellow and tear very easily. They are much different than these large, long white fibrous clots. They can grow up to two feet long, and they are tough, rubbery and elastic. Embalmers in my survey have never seen these before. They are very, very unusual.”
Haviland says many in the embalmer community do NOT want to participate in his survey. This year, Haviland got 301 embalmers to participate out of thousands of requests to take the clot survey. Haviland says, “We only got about 300 responses to this year’s survey because there is a reluctance of funeral directors and funeral directors associations to talk about this, which is very interesting. . . .This is not a rare phenomenon that clots are prevalent. There is no way around this. These things are causing strokes and heart attacks. The embalmers are insistent that the clots are forming before death. They are picking up bodies that have not been refrigerated yet, an hour or two old, and they are finding them littered with clots. No way the clots could have formed in the hour or two after the person passed.”
These white fibrous clots are for the living, too. Haviland says, “I have been in touch with a cardiologist and vascular specialist in Jacksonville, Florida, who says he has been pulling these white fibrous clots, the very same ones, out of living people in the last three years. . . . Another doctor I know . . . who said he is pulling anywhere between 3 to 10 of these white fibrous clots out of his patients every week. These doctors do have the CV19 vax records, and they say every time they pull one of these long clots out of people, 99% of the time they have been vaccinated with between 1 to 8 CV19 shots. Doctors I talk with say it seems the more shots they have taken, the worse the clotting seems to be.”
In closing, Haviland reminds us that his survey results are sent to the FDA, NIH and the CDC. Haviland says, “The tragedy here is, here I am a retired major, and the last three years I have done these surveys, I immediately submit all results to the FDA, CDC and NIH. Would you believe in the 3 years I have done this, I have not gotten a response from them on these embalmer surveys. It’s just crickets back from them. . . . I also did a special survey from catheterization lab workers, for doctors, to see what they were seeing in their patients. I submitted that to the Society for Vascular Surgeons in the United States, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. None of those responded. I did get an email back from the US Society for Vascular Surgery in Rosemont, Illinois, and they said they decline to participate . . . They have 6,300 members, and they chose not to distribute the survey to their 6,300 vascular surgeons to ask what is going on.”
There is much more in the 48-minute interview.
Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he goes One-on-One with Tom Haviland to do a deep dive into the “2024 Worldwide Embalmer Blood Clot Survey” for 1.7.25.
Results of the 2024 Worldwide Embalmer Blood Clot Survey
More embalmers responded this year
Results of Our Third Annual Survey (written with the assistance of Tom Haviland)
We are now into a fourth straight year of embalmers around the world seeing this very unusual phenomenon of large, grotesque “white fibrous clots” in the veins and arteries of corpses. Yet, no government regulatory agency, hospital system, or university research lab seems to have the slightest interest in tracking this new phenomenon or trying to deduce “how” or “why” these clots are forming.
It is interesting to note that all three of the above either ‘pushed’ or ‘required’ the Covid-19 vaccines on all of their government employees, doctors and nurses, and university students. Maybe that’s why the leaders of these institutions have no curiosity now to investigate the potential link between the Covid vaccines and this dangerous new clotting phenomenon.
Fortunately, Tom Haviland and I saw the writing on the wall two years ago and decided to take matters into our own hands by creating and administering annual “Worldwide Embalmer Blood Clot Surveys” to track the TIMING and PREVALENCE of the white fibrous clots, as well as the equally dangerous phenomenon of “micro-clotting.” On 14 December 2024, we wrapped up our third annual survey, the “2024 Worldwide Embalmer Blood Clot Survey.”
But first, let’s do a quick ‘recap’ of the results of the 2022 and 2023 versions of the survey. In the 2022 survey, there were three main conclusions:
1. 67% of embalmers (119 out of 179) said that they were seeing the ‘white fibrous clots’ in their corpses
2. The embalmers were seeing these clots in a shocking average of 30% of their corpses
3. The consensus of the embalmers was that they started seeing the white fibrous clots in the year 2021, which just happens to be AFTER the rollout of the Covid vaccines.
The results of the 2023 survey were equally revealing:
73% of the embalmers (197 out of 269) said that they were seeing the ‘white fibrous clots’ in 2023
The embalmers were seeing these clots in an average of 20% of their corpses
79% of embalmers (212 out of 269) saw ‘micro-clotting’ in 2023, and they saw it in an alarming average of 25% of their corpses (note that this is a phenomenon that embalmers saw in less than 5% of their corpses prior to the pandemic)
21% of embalmers were seeing a 25% increase in infant deaths over the years prior to the pandemic
Embalmers were seeing an increase in clotting in all age groups, particularly in ages 36 years old and up.
If the above numbers look scary to you, note that you are not alone. The alarming results of the 2022 and 2023 surveys compelled us to run the embalmer survey again in 2024.
Again, we asked questions about the two main concerns of the ‘white fibrous clots’ and ‘micro-clotting’, but this year we also sprinkled in some questions to determine how much (or how little) embalmers, funeral directors, and Funeral Director Associations are talking about these unusual clotting phenomena. The reason we did this is that there still seems to be a tremendous reluctance of those in the funeral industry to want to talk about how the blood in corpses has dramatically changed since 2021.
As usual, the “2024 Worldwide Embalmer Blood Clot Survey” was sent to the same 50 national, regional, and state Funeral Director Associations (each with hundreds of members), as well as directly to over 1,700 funeral homes around the world. Ideally, we should have gotten 5,000 to 7,000 responses from active embalmers who we allowed to remain anonymous so that they would feel comfortable taking the survey. Also, as with our two previous surveys, we never mentioned the words “Covid” or “Covid vaccine” anywhere in the survey instructions nor in the survey questions themselves, to keep the survey as unbiased as possible. Here are the results:
Following are the details contained in the PDF file referenced above:
QUESTION 1: In what country/state/province do you embalm?
We received 301 responses to this year’s survey, which beats the number of responses to our 2022 and 2023 surveys. However, 301 responses is still not nearly enough to see any “regionality” trends such as a bad ‘cluster’ of blood clotting in a particular geographic region that might be due to bad batches of the vaccine that were sent to that region.
However, this question does give us good insight into which Funeral Director Associations are or are not participating in our survey. Sadly, our best performing association from last year, the Pennsylvania Funeral Directors Association (PFDA) who provided 130 responses to the 2023 survey, DECLINED to participate in the 2024 survey. This came as a bit of a shock, especially in light of the fact that the President of the PFDA himself, Mr. Chris Calvey, Jr., sent Tom Haviland email communications admitting that he has seen unusual clotting phenomena in his corpses over the last several years.
Of the 30 US state Funeral Director Associations who the survey was sent to, only 7 of them seem to have honored our request by forwarding the survey to their member embalmers.
Those states were: Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Tennessee, Texas, and Utah. The Embalmers Association of Cleveland (Ohio) also stated that they participated, and we appreciate the responses of all who participated, but what about the other 23 states? Why did they choose NOT to participate? Do they think that these unusual clotting phenomena are just a hoax, despite all of the physical evidence that now exists (i.e., photos, videos, and vials of these clots)? Or are they trying to hide something from the world? Perhaps these funeral directors feel a little nervous because they mandated that all of their funeral home employees take the Covid vaccines, or because they took the vaccine themselves and may not want to know the answers to the questions.
QUESTION 2: Did you observe any large whitish “fibrous” structures/clots in the corpses that you embalmed in Year 2024?
A shocking 83% of embalmers (250 out of 301) answered “Yes” to this question, which is up from the 67% who answered “yes” in 2022, and the 73% who answered “yes” in 2023. This increase could exist for a couple of reasons. First, it is possible that the actual percentage of corpses with the white fibrous clots is increasing, especially if it takes a long time (i.e., 2 to 3 years) for these clots to eventually grow to a size large enough to completely block a blood vessel and cause a stroke or heart attack. The more likely reason, however, is that there is less of a ‘stigma’ now in 2024 for embalmers to admit that they are seeing the white fibrous clot phenomenon as more of their fellow embalmers come forward, and as the physical evidence starts to pile up.
QUESTION 3: What percentage of the corpses in the Year 2024 that you have embalmed have had the large whitish “fibrous” structures/clots?
Another shocking answer! The white fibrous clots appeared in a weighted average of 27.5% of corpses in 2024!
Here’s the breakdown:
43 embalmers saw zero white fibrous clots in 2024
98 embalmers saw the white fibrous clots in between 1% to 20% of their corpses in 2024
74 embalmers saw the white fibrous clots in between 21% to 40% of their corpses in 2024
55 embalmers saw the white fibrous clots in between 41% to 60% of their corpses in 2024
23 embalmers saw the white fibrous clots in between 61% to 80% of their corpses in 2024
8 embalmers saw the white fibrous clots in between 81% to 100% of their corpses in 2024
The 27.5% average was a surprise to Tom Haviland. He had hoped, based on the results of the previous two annual surveys where the percentage of corpses with the white fibrous clots had gone down from 30% in 2022 to 20% in 2023, to see a further reduction to something more like 10% in 2024. But this, unfortunately for humanity, was not the case. These ‘white fibrous clots’ are STILL PREVALENT in 2024, according to the survey results!
QUESTION 4: Did you see the large whitish “fibrous” structures/clots in a higher percentage of corpses in Year 2024 than in Year 2023?
Anticipating that there might be some confusion about whether individual embalmers were seeing an increase or decrease in the clots from year to year, and given that a different mix of embalmers may be responding to the survey each year, we asked Question 4.
Here’s how embalmers responded:
59 embalmers saw LESS corpses with white fibrous clots in 2024
155 embalmers saw ABOUT THE SAME number of corpses with white fibrous clots in 2024
47 embalmers saw MORE corpses with white fibrous clots in 2024
40 embalmers saw NO clots in 2024
The answers indicate that some embalmers are seeing different trends, but that the overall average is that embalmers saw the ‘white fibrous clots’ in about the same percentage of corpses in 2024 as they did in 2023.
QUESTION 5: Do other embalmers that you talk to say that they are seeing the large whitish “fibrous” structures/clots?
Here’s how embalmers responded:
185 embalmers said “Yes”
50 embalmers said “No”
66 embalmers said, “We don’t talk about this.”
Note that almost four times as many embalmers say that their fellow embalmers admit to them that they are seeing the white fibrous clots too, as opposed to those saying they are not seeing the clots. This proves that the majority of embalmers are talking to each other PRIVATELY about this unusual clotting phenomenon, but that they are still afraid to speak out PUBLICLY about this dangerous issue.
Even more striking are the 66 embalmers who don’t talk with other embalmers at all about these clots. What’s the matter? Are they not interested? Are they too afraid? Have they been instructed by their funeral director boss not to speak about this topic?
QUESTION 6: Did you observe any “micro-clotting” in the corpses that you embalmed in Year 2024, as evidenced by the appearance of “coffee grounds” or “dirty blood” in the drainage?
A whopping 78% of embalmers (233 out of 301) stated that they saw the “micro-clotting” in 2024, which is almost exactly the same percentage of the embalmers (79%) that saw this phenomenon in 2023.
QUESTION 7: What percentage of the corpses in the Year 2024 that you have embalmed have had the “micro-clotting”/”coffee grounds”/”dirty blood”?
Another distressing answer. The micro-clotting appeared in a weighted average of 22% of corpses in 2024! That is just a 3% drop from the 25% of corpses registered in the 2023 survey.
Here’s the breakdown:
52 embalmers saw zero micro-clotting in 2024
118 embalmers saw micro-clotting in between 1% to 20% of their corpses in 2024
79 embalmers saw micro-clotting in between 21% to 40% of their corpses in 2024
27 embalmers saw micro-clotting in between 41% to 60% of their corpses in 2024
22 embalmers saw micro-clotting in between 61% to 80% of their corpses in 2024
3 embalmers saw micro-clotting in between 81% to 100% of their corpses in 2024
Micro-clotting can be just as dangerous as the white fibrous clots. Micro-clotting occurs at the capillary level, and it can block the exchange of oxygen at the lungs, and then the carrying of that oxygen to all of the major organs of the body including the brain and eyes. As stated earlier, unlike the “white fibrous clots” which are a new phenomenon, “micro-clotting” had been seen prior to the Covid pandemic, but in less than 5% of corpses. So the 22% seen in 2024 represents at least a quadrupling of this phenomenon since the pre-pandemic years!
QUESTION 8: Have you ever watched any online videos (such as “Died Suddenly,” YouTube, etc.) or read articles concerning the large whitish “fibrous” clots?
96 embalmers said “Yes”
205 embalmers said “No”
The large number of “No” responses to this question indicates a puzzling “lack of curiosity” by the embalmers to want to do further research concerning this new phenomenon of the ‘white fibrous clots,’ especially given the fact that 83% of these same embalmers responding to this survey say that they DID SEE the white fibrous clots in 2024. Wouldn’t you want to investigate these clots if you were an embalmer, especially when it is causing you to spend an hour longer to do an embalming whenever you come across a corpse that is riddled with these clots?
QUESTION 9: Are you a member of a professional embalmer or funeral director association?
246 embalmers said “Yes”
55 embalmers said “No”
No surprises here. Well over 80% of the embalmers responding to the survey are members of a professional association. And from our 2023 survey, we know that these embalmers probably have an average of about 15 years of experience, and that they probably embalm about 100 corpses per year on average. So these embalmers are well qualified to discuss what the blood looked like prior to the Covid pandemic, as well as what the blood looks like now in the years since the introduction of Covid and the Covid vaccines.
QUESTION 10: Has your professional embalmer or funeral director association ever discussed the large whitish “fibrous” structures/clots?
52 embalmers said “Yes”
202 embalmers said “No”
45 embalmers said, “Not a member”
Again, similar to Question 8, the large number of “No” responses to Question 10 is puzzling. Why are less than 20% of Funeral Director Associations talking about these unusual ‘white fibrous clots’ and ‘micro-clotting’ when such a large portion of their membership are seeing these phenomena? In fact, many of these associations, such as the British Institute of Embalmers (BIE), have it written in their Mission Statements and Code of Ethics that they have a duty to investigate/research any new phenomena that is affecting embalming. Yet the BIE has declined to take the survey for the past two years. Why are so many Funeral Director Associations NOT talking about the white fibrous clots at their annual meetings or in their monthly/quarterly newsletters?
For the third year in a row, the results of our embalmer survey are quite distressing. The vast majority of embalmers responding to the survey (80%+) continue to see the ‘white fibrous clots’ in 27.5% of corpses, and ‘micro-clotting’ in 22% of their corpses.
Yet, both embalmers and Funeral Director Associations are reluctant to even talk about the subject. Nor have any of the Funeral Director Associations or government agencies (i.e., FDA, CDC, NIH) taken any action to conduct their own surveys to investigate this new clotting phenomena and its potential link to the Covid vaccines.
So Tom Haviland and I will continue to be “the watchmen on the wall” for this serious issue. We didn’t ask to take on this duty, but at this point we feel that we have no choice but to keep collecting and reporting this data because the organizations responsible for public safety are failing to do so.
Stay tuned for a future post that includes the comments from this survey. We strive to not make our posts too long to read. You know - TLDR (too long, didn’t read).
I would be remiss if I didn’t include some recent photos. These were texted to me on Friday, December 27th. This clot was removed that morning from the right jugular vein and is approximately 22 inches long (for scale, the bottle in the second photo is 16 oz).
The funeral director was able to ask the family the vax status of their loved one.
They received a total of three shots. Dates and maker unknown.
“Again the word of the Lord came to me, saying, 2 “Son of man, speak to the children of your people, and say to them: ‘When I bring the sword upon a land, and the people of the land take a man from their territory and make him their watchman, 3 when he sees the sword coming upon the land, if he blows the trumpet and warns the people, 4 then whoever hears the sound of the trumpet and does not take warning, if the sword comes and takes him away, his blood shall be on his own head.”
Ezekiel 33:1-4
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Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, October 18, 2021
Canceling the Spike Protein
Striking Visual Evidence
Editorial by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD
excerpt "Abnormal Blood Clotting
Both the COVID vaccine and the COVID infection have been documented to provoke increased blood clotting [thrombosis] (Biswas et al., 2021; Lundstrom et al., 2021). Viral infections in general have been found to cause coagulopathies resulting in abnormal blood clotting (Subramaniam and Scharrer, 2018). Critically ill COVID ICU patients demonstrated elevated D-dimer levels roughly 60% of the time (Iba et al., 2020). An elevated D-dimer test result is almost an absolute confirmation of abnormal blood clotting taking place somewhere in the body. Such clots can be microscopic, at the capillary level, or much larger, even involving the thrombosis of large blood vessels. Higher D-dimer levels that persist in COVID patients appear to directly correlate with significantly increased morbidity and mortality (Naymagon et al., 2020; Paliogiannis et al., 2020; Rostami and Mansouritorghabeh, 2020)."
excerpt "Additionally, or alternatively if IV is not available, 5 grams of liposome-encapsulated vitamin C (LivOn Labs) can be given daily for at least a week."
Wondering if a $40 box of 30, 1000mg packets ... of www.livonlabs.com liposomal vitamin c
5 a day for 6 days .... would eliminate a lot or all of the spike protein from the covid shots or from having the covid virus.
more options.................
excerpt "Suggested Protocol (to be coordinated with the guidance of your chosen health care provider):
For individuals who are post-vaccination or symptomatic with chronic COVID, vitamin C should be optimally dosed, and it should be kept at a high but lesser dose daily indefinitely.
Ideally, an initial intravenous administration of 25 to 75 grams of vitamin C should be given depending on body size. Although one infusion would likely resolve the symptoms and abnormal blood examination, several more infusions can be given if feasible over the next few days.
An option that would likely prove to be sufficient and would be much more readily available to larger numbers of patients would be one or more rounds of vitamin C given as a 7.5 gram IV push over roughly 10 minutes, avoiding the need for a complete intravenous infusion setup, a prolonged time in a clinic, and substantially greater expense (Riordan-Clinic-IVC-Push-Protocol, 10.16.14.pdf).
************** Additionally, or alternatively if IV is not available, 5 grams of liposome-encapsulated vitamin C (LivOn Labs) can be given daily for at least a week. **********************
When none of the above three options are readily available, a comparable positive clinical impact will be seen with the proper supplementation of regular forms of oral vitamin C as sodium ascorbate or ascorbic acid. Either of these can be taken daily in three divided doses approaching bowel tolerance after the individual determines their own unique needs (additional information, see Levy, vitamin C Guide in References; Cathcart, 1981).
An excellent way to support any or all of the above measures for improving vitamin C levels in the body is now available and very beneficial clinically. A supplemental polyphenol that appears to help many to overcome the epigenetic defect preventing the internal synthesis of vitamin C in the liver can be taken once daily. This supplement also appears to provide the individual with the ability to produce and release even greater amounts of vitamin C directly into the blood in the face of infection and other sources of oxidative stress (www.formula216.com).
Hydrogen peroxide (HP) nebulization (Levy, 2021, free eBook) is an antiviral and synergistic partner with vitamin C, and it is especially important in dealing with acute or chronic COVID, or with post-COVID vaccination issues. As noted above, the COVID virus can persist in the stool. In such cases, a chronic pathogen colonization (CPC) of COVID in the throat continually supplying virus that is swallowed into the gut is likely present as well, even when the patient seems to be clinically normal. This will commonly be the case when specific viral eradication measures were not taken during the clinical course of the COVID infection. HP nebulization will clear out this CPC, which will stop the continued seeding of the COVID virus in the gut and stool as well. Different nebulization approaches are discussed in the eBook."
I received two Pfizer covid-19 shots in late summer 2021. I was hospitalized for pericarditis, pericardial effusion and pleural effusion effusion along with acute respiratory failure in early December, 2024. What caught my attention were my blood tests. My fibrinogen levels were over 1000 but not how much over a thousand. That's how high their ability to measure goes. Normal is 250 to 400. I immediately thought of the poor people with the massive, light colored clots. I have to wonder if they had high fibrinogen levels as well. It would be interesting to find out if the had a coagulapathy panel done after their covid shot and preceeding death.