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"The big question: why are Biden's wife and those aides along with the entire mainstream media covering up the fact that the current president of the United States, Joe Biden, is totally unfit for the office of the presidency?"

I like the summary of the madness you have provided here. Let's focus on the above quote.


The possible answers, and there are at least 7, all point to one undeniable fact: We live in a sort of Matrix. Let's just savor that fact collectively for as long as it takes for us to become comfortable with that undeniable fact. In this new found comfort zone we can then begin to function collectively as humans. I do not have the answers but I do know that Universe, therefore humans, are subject to the natural law: You reap what you sow.

Did I elect Joe Biden? In a way we all did. When we can understand this fact, then we can heal ourselves and cease to elect the Joe Biden's, or Bushes, or Nixons or anyones, and start living as free willed humans again.

When you let someone else take care of the tough stuff, you become weak.

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