Claim: Pfizer Bribed over 400 “independent” medical organizations and nonprofits to propagate alleged false narratives about their so-called vaccine
The Chicago Urban League was bought off by Pfizer to betray the very residents of Chicago they pretend to protect
By Lance D Johnson
When crimes against humanity were escalated in March 2020 under the guise of a never-ending “national emergency,” the federal government provided an endless stream of money for multinational organizations that have a history of felonious conduct (vaccine manufacturers). These endless funds have been used, not to develop safe and effective treatments, prophylactics, and immunizations for a rapidly mutating bioweapon. Instead, these funds have largely been used to bribe doctors, medical schools, media outlets, nonprofits, “independent” organizations, and civil liberties groups into propagating false and misleading narratives about an mRNA genetic “therapy” that turned out to be a weapon system in disguise.
Chicago Urban League took $100,000 bribe from Pfizer, betrayed the people they pretend to protect
Across American society, medical and civil rights groups broadly and unilaterally supported so-called “covid-19 vaccines” and a barrage of unlawful mandates. It turns out that this broad support for medical fraud and segregation was because Pfizer bribed over 400 medical institutions, organizations, and associations to do their dirty work.
For instance, when Chicago Urban League President Karen Freeman-Wilson went on television to push vaccine mandates for all of Chicago’s employees, she dismissed serious concerns that the mandates would disproportionately harm the Black community. “The health and safety factor here far outweighs the concern about shutting people out or creating a barrier,” Freeman-Wilson said on WTTW in August 2021.
Earlier that year, the Chicago Urban League had received $100,000 grant (bribe) from Pfizer, for a “project” requiring the organization to promote “vaccine safety and effectiveness.” She felt compelled to mandate “the health and safety” for all because she had been paid to propagate this lie. Even though Pfizer knew their so-called vaccine didn’t work and wasn’t safe, they had the funds they needed to make prostitutes out of medical organizations and even civil rights groups.
The Chicago Urban League was bought off by Pfizer to betray the very residents of Chicago they pretend to protect. Moreover, the League typically discloses its corporate donors, but this time they did not disclose the funding they got from Pfizer in their “partners” section on their website. Similarly, Freeman-Wilson did not disclose her conflict of interest with Pfizer when she publicly called for unlawful vaccine mandates for all of Chicago’s workforce.
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“Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! by Etienne de la Boetie2
Anarchy Exposed! - A former police officer reports on his investigative journeyby Shepard the Voluntaryist and Larken Rose
The Most Dangerous Superstition by Larken Rose
Sedition, Subversion and Sabotage – Field Manual #1 by Ben Stone, The Bad Quaker, and Ken Yamarashi
What Anarchy Isn’t– A short pamphlet by Larken Rose… The perfect introduction to peaceful anarchy
Three Friends Free – A Children’s Story of Voluntaryism
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Reading all that BS makes me thank my lucky stars that I was self employed most of my life, avoided offices like the plague and am ever so grateful I've never been employed by any large corporations or NGOs, they appear to mainly be cesspools.
So sad the the current workplace status quo appears to become rotten to the core once it gets beyond a certain size...I've always loved 'Small is Beautiful'.