Cartoonist Scott Adams Cancelled After Advising Whites to Stay Away from Black Americans
A recent Rasmussen poll surveyed 1000 American adults, but only 13% of those polled, 130 people, were Black.
Rasmussen asked the Black Americans only if they agreed with the statement, “It’s OK to be White.” The sample size was far too small to represent 40 million Black Americans. Cartoonist Scott Adams said that if almost half of Black Americans disagree with the statement “It’s OK to be White,” then White people should move away from Black Americans. Candace Owens revealed that Blacks comprise 13% of the US population, but account for 51% of homicides committed in the US. She called for an honest discussion of high crime rates in the Black community due to fatherless families. She pointed out that influence by Black Lives Matter encourages Black Americans to hate White people.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey polled 1000 American adults, but only 13% of those polled, 130 people, were Black. Rasmussen asked the Black Americans only if they agreed with the statement, “It’s OK to be white.” The results were that 53% said they agreed, while 26% disagreed, and 21% were not sure. The sample size that is supposed to represent 40 million Black people in the US was far too small.
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