BREAKING: Looters Caught Stealing Trillions
The wholly captured, blackmailed and bribed House passed a collection of unconstitutional bills yesterday giving away $95 billion in money stolen via taxes to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan.
by 2Nd Smartest Guy In The World
Etienne Note: This article also appears in “Government”, Media and Academia Criminality Exposed, A digest of HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of articles exposing and suggesting inter-generational organized crime's control of the "Government," Media and Academia by the Art of Liberty Foundation. You can view the other articles or subscribe on Telegram:
The majority of “public servants” operating in the foreign nation of Washington, D.C. are owned by the Intelligence Industrial Complex and their globalist partners-in-crime the UN, WEF, WHO, CFR, et al. When most of these venal insiders are not insider trading and getting massive under-the-table kickbacks, they are engaged in degenerate pastimes that make them all especially vulnerable to control by the likes of the CIA.
Speaking of the CIA, profoundly compromised RINO Speaker Mike Johnson played his part perfectly; to wit:
It is not just merely blackmail…
…because by now no one should have any doubts whatsoever that Johnson and his treasonous coconspirators on both sides of the proverbial aisle are all owned and paid for:
And that other CIA asset, more at Z-movie-grade thespian puppet, is facilitating mass depopulation of young Ukrainian men by forcefully sending them into the war meat grinder while allowing the CIA to continue laundering black ops monies as stolen from American tax slaves in order to pave the way for dystopian digital gulag 15 Minute Cities all across Eastern Europe:
With the deranged and psychotic puppet master warmonger that ran the 2014 Ukraine coup continuing to pull the strings:
Because PSYOP-UKRAINE-WAR is the pivot off the PSYOP-19 “pandemic,” and ultimately consolidates straight into PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE.
But we digress…in case anyone has so much as a scintilla of doubt remaining that the entire Federal government is waging a full spectrum soft war against We the People, here is an especially astute encapsulation of how they truly want us all dead, but not before extracting the maximum plasma from us via taxes:
What comes after Banana Republic?
A bit more context:
The scam that is Federal “income” taxation funding death and destruction, and the tax slaves desperately inventing their minuscule rounding error loopholes and deductions to that which should never be paid:
The ceaseless bald-faced lies are as obscene as they are transparently absurd:
This is the takedown of America from within.
This is Cloward-Piven on steroids, methamphetamines and crack-cocaine.
Folk singer Brendan Daniel picks up where Oliver Anthony left off, exposing the big secret of the "Rich Men North of Richmond": that "government" is a technique of inter-generational organized crime to rob and control populations. The song was inspired by the book: "Government" - The Biggest Scam in History... Exposed! - How Inter-Generational Organized Crime Runs the "Government," Media and Academia by Etienne de la Boetie2, founder of the Art of Liberty Foundation.
Awesome depiction of how our entire government is corrupt and focused on their own enrichment and avoidance of penalties for their own personal Epstein infused perversions. Funny, how you so perfectly align with poor Max Azzarello/Crosby who self-immolated himself in front of Trump's Trial just to get his identical message across that the entire political(executive,legislative, judicial, agencies, financial/investment, corporate, and especially crypto, are one massive ponzi scheme which is being primed for massive collapse, as they milk it for all it is worth, leaving us nothing but shells to rebuild on, if those of us still alive, have the courage and determination. You encapsulated what Max detailed so well on his Substack account(, sub-connected to his Reddit account(which closed his files because Reddit is also part of the scam that he unveiled). Keep up the great unveiling until all understand the end game is total collapse, and it is up to us to hold firm to our faith, founders principles and constitutional decrees, so badly corrupted by the 9/11 theft, 2008 theft, Bankman theft, covid vaccine theft(mass murder and disablement), global warming theft(while they own the weather globally), and so on. Should be an interesting journey.