Bill Gates unleashes plan for new series of gene-based injections that will target Africa
Global depopulation agenda moves forward
Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates is rolling out a plan to use Africans as guinea pigs for an expanded series of new genetically altering mRNA injections.
He calls them vaccines but we know they are not vaccines, at least not in the traditional meaning of the word. U.S. courts have even ruled that mRNA serums don’t qualify as vaccines.
The Covid vaccines, the first to use this technology, have been an unmitigated disaster.
But that hasn’t stopped Gates from pushing more of these gene-based jabs on the world.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has announced a $40 million initiative to support the production of messenger mRNA vaccines in Africa.
Gates’ foundation claims this investment will address what it refers to as “vaccine inequities” exposed during the COVID-19 pandemic.
During that pandemic, African nations were often the last to receive Covid jabs. It worked to their benefit as fewer Africans died of Covid, per capita than Westerners.
Yet, the power of money never ceases and so Gates presses on in his efforts to vaccinate the world against every disease imaginable. And Africa will be ground zero for the plan.
Gates and his foundation hope to expand the testing of the mRNA injections on Africans before they are rolled out globally.
The funding will aid several manufacturers, including Senegal’s Pasteur Institute, in developing mRNA injections for the people of Africa.
Bill Gates emphasized the potential of mRNA technology to combat diseases like Rift Valley fever and tuberculosis while building Africa’s capacity for vaccine development.
Of course, no one is raising the question of why sub-Saharan African populations generally fared better than European, American, and Asian populations during the Covid pandemic. If the vaccines had worked, it should have been the opposite, because it was the African nations that were far less vaccinated with the Covid injection that the populations in North America and Europe.
The bottom line is this: The more one can stay away from Bill Gates and his toxic mRNA jabs, the better their chances of living a healthy and normal life.
Gates is driven by profit and by his insatiable desire to depopulate the world. Only a government that truly hates its own people would unleash on them Bill Gates and his poisonous death jabs.
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Bill Gates needs to be vaccinated at least a hundred times with a fine cocktail of his own 'medications'
looks like Eugenicist Gates wants more "calamari" growing inside people...