Biden Cheat Sheet Reveals Los Angeles Times Journo Submitted Question to White House in Advance
Joe Biden was photographed holding a cheat sheet with a pre-approved question from Los Angeles Times White House reporter Courtney Subramanian.
Joe Biden was photographed holding a cheat sheet with a pre-approved question from Los Angeles Times White House reporter Courtney Subramanian during one of his ultra-rare press conferences on Wednesday.
"How are YOU squaring YOUR domestic priorities -- like reshoring semiconductors manufacturing -- with alliance-based foreign policy?" the question said in part.
Regime journo Subramanian can be seen asking Biden the pre-scripted question and reading it off her phone in the video below taken during his press conference with South Korean President Yoon Suk-Yeol:
The other questions from the media (only four reporters in total) also appeared to be scripted as Biden could be seen reading off his notes during several of his answers.
In case anyone thinks this is the norm or was done for reasons of translations, former President Donald Trump's press conference with former South Korean President Moon Jae-In in June 2019 was clearly not scripted with Trump calling on reporters at random.
This is yet another incident showing the controlled media is in bed with the Biden regime and act as mere propagandists for the state rather than independent watchdogs holding our politicians to account.
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More chicanery that will affect us all if we don't defund the WHO...ignore all the ads at the start of the video