Biden and NATO Evoke an Inevitable WWIII Against Russia
America Still Prefers to Speak Softly But Carry a Big Stick
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A calamity of even greater cataclysmic proportions and consequences is either soon to break out in the war in Ukraine or sanity somehow finally will prevail against all odds, with all the combatants suddenly finding a way to end the conflict without continuing to kill themselves and, in the process, potentially all the rest of us.
America’s Neo-Con radicals and their allies in the world can feel the war slipping out of the grasp of their control, even in spite of the gross billions of taxpayer monies stolen from the citizenry of the entire Western World, without their approval or express permission; not to mention the massive amounts of military weaponry paid for by the citizens themselves for their own nation’s safety and protection, rather than shipped off to the Ukraine Armed Forces without any popular vote, plebiscite or referendum of any kind.
Citizens and politicians alike in the West remain asleep at the wheel for all intents and purposes of all the monies and weaponry that have been used so far to endlessly fund literally all the materials of war, as well as the infrastructure of Ukrainian society itself; of which the majority of monies never reach the people or armed combatants themselves because the monies are continually being clandestinely siphoned off to war profiters, oligarchs, black-market dealers and politicians. The Corrupt Game of War continues to be played out, while everyone just shrugs their shoulders, shakes their heads and looks the other way, like helpless deer, frozen in the glare of the on-coming lights and the potential grizzly death that awaits.
After over a year of raging, murderous brutal slaughter of men, women, children and the decimation of whole species of non-humans life, the populace and politicians alike still remain ignorant and at sea as to what to do about it; or even if they did they already know their neo-con leaders and governments clearly never have had any mind to stop the war other than with: the sudden assassination of Zelensky or Putin themselves; the total collapse of Ukraine or Russia; a predictable total WWIII nuclear end game, or; whatever subsequent fascist rule finally will take over the whole world.
Thus far, the ideologues have tried everything in their power to prevent Russia from declaring victory with its Special Military Operation (SMO). There never was any consideration remotely given by Biden, the U.S. and NATO to ever sign a peace deal of any kind through diplomatic negotiations.
Finally, in desperation, to try to save face, they attempted to float the ridiculous phony ploy of turning the war into a so-called frozen conflict; like the stalemate that put a hold on the Korean War that actually never really ended; with over 30,000 US military forces still occupying Camp Humphreys, the world’s largest overseas US military base, located near the South Korean capital of Seoul. The Russians summarily laughed that proposal right off of the table and into the trash can of history.
But now the combatants on both sides have begun to resort to the ancient primitive strategies of brutal, no holds warfare by trying to assassinate the other’s sides leader, with the belief that if you cut off the head of the snake, you will kill the whole body. But that’s old school thinking. There already are too many crazed mad men and women now on both sides, equally prepared to ‘push the button of doom” quicker than the next guy.
Ukraine Sovereignty: A New World of Order Or Disorder for the Human Race?
The eminent Author-Journalist Patrick Lawrence recently pointed out in a piece, “Count the steady advance among non-Western nations towards what we now call a new world order. This is the single most momentous turn in history’s wheel that will define our century.”
But to listen to the speeches and pronouncements of those others in the power and policy cliques in Washington, like Fiona Hill, a former U.S. National Security Council member, and senior fellow of the Brookings Institution, one would think the emergence of powers like China, Russia and other Non-Western Nations, in such a multi-polar world, are the real dangerous elephants in the room, representing nothing more than One Step Forward and Two Steps Back for the human race and stability of any new world order.
Yet what China and Russia’s efforts are all about is just the opposite: to support and build a different kind of multi-polar world with the help of non-western allies, such as the BRICS and other non-western nations who support the completion of world projects like the Silk Road.
America Still Prefers to Speak Softly But Carry a Big Stick
But, now, returning back to the middle of the murderous, potential WWIII theatre in Ukraine, this war already has spread so much dissension and chaos throughout the entire world, in any number of economic, financial, political, ideological ways; while Biden and Company continue to resort to playing hardball towards all those who oppose the American way of life that he and those like Fiona Hill represent, that make the betrayal, duplicitous lies and deceit of the sabotage of the Nord Stream Pipeline look benign by comparison of what still lies ahead.
Biden, as the ‘Czar’ of all the fascist, Neo-Con NATO warmonger forces in Ukraine, has now given the green light to the some 31 NATO Nation members:
Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkiya, United Kingdom, and the U.S. ‑ to begin sending to the Ukrainian Air Force as many of their latest F-16 fighter jets, of which there already exists approximately 2,200 F-16’s in NATO’s collective air forces.
Perhaps, as the rapid escalation of the hostilities continues, and the war simultaneous worsens, and Biden & Company’s new ramped-up WWIII war strategy instead ‘heads south’, who knows, but maybe even some of America’s most deadly combat fighters in the world, like the cutting-edge, 4th Generation F-34 jet fighters, will also be added to the F16’s in an attempt to totally dominate Russia’s air superiority.
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