Arizona's fully autonomous tiny homes: off-grid, no hookups, water & solar included
It’s like a Permanent Self-Sustainable RV
Brian Stark’s Sparkboxes can add a fully functional home to your backyard—or a remote location—in just one day, with no utility hookups required and in record time. With an incinerating toilet, a two-month water supply, and enough solar power to run everything, these homes are ready to live in the moment they’re installed. Made from repurposed shipping containers, Sparkboxes are powered by solar panels during the day and lithium batteries at night, eliminating the need for traditional energy sources. The incinerator toilet burns waste, saving up to 2,000 gallons of water per person annually, with only a faint campfire scent outside during a flush. Brian Stark believes that the off-grid flexibility and real pop-up features of the Sparkbox make it a solution to quickly respond to housing needs, from pre-approved backyard units to transitional housing, special needs, or workforce housing. —Steel + Spark Sparkboxes:
Our IndieGoGo for my new book: Voluntaryism - How the Only “ISM” Fair for Everyone Leads to Harmony, Prosperity and Good Karma for All! has raised $2288 from 51 backers or 9% of our $25,000 goal in less than a week with 17 days left! You can get some great perks for pre-ordering at
Lithium batteries for night? How can anyone think this is a great idea.
Love the cooktops. Perfect for a pot of beans.