Anti-Surveillance State Act Vote Coming
Finally, your insistence that Congress protect our freedom is bearing fruit. A bill to rein in a freedom-killing Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) is moving forward.
Finally, your insistence that Congress protect our freedom is bearing fruit. A bill to rein in a freedom-killing Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) is moving forward. HR 1122, the “CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act,” has made it out of committee and is now ready for a full House vote. But whether this important financial privacy bill makes it to the floor, let alone passes, may well depend upon you and me.
Protect your bank account(s) from the Biden administration’s prying eyes by faxing Congress NOW, then read on for the news. —Mat
STOP Joe Biden's plans for a financial surveillance state. Demand Congress VOTE YES on HR 1122.
Cryptocurrencies were designed to keep government eyes off personal financial transactions.
Government central bankers designed Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) to counter cryptocurrency privacy measures, enabling the government to monitor and control every cent you own or spend.
On March 9, 2022, Joe Biden ordered the Federal Reserve to begin “investigating” deployment of a CBDC. Just one year later, the Federal Reserve isn’t just “investigating.” Without the permission of Congress, Biden’s Fed is already CODING his financial surveillance tool.
Executive Order 14067 was the opening salvo in Biden’s scheme to mimic the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) financial control over its citizens. When implemented, a CBDC will eliminate cash, make the government your direct bank, and force everyone into that central government-run bank, while tracking, tracing, and controlling every cent you own or spend.
“The administration has made it clear: President Biden is willing to compromise the American people’s right to financial privacy for a surveillance-style CBDC,” said Rep. Tom Emmer (R-MN), who sponsored HR 1122, the CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act.
Rep. Emmer introduced HR 1122 “to put a check on unelected bureaucrats and ensure the United States’ digital currency policy upholds our values of privacy, individual sovereignty, and free-market competitiveness.”
“A government-issued CBDC is nothing more than a CCP-style surveillance tool that would be used to undermine the American way of life,” said Rep. Emmer, referring to the Chinese Communist Party’s digital currency specifically designed to control people.
Currently, in China, the CCP rewards and punishes people via its CBDC. The CCP dictates where and when a person can use their hard-earned money, if at all.
Liu Hu, a journalist in China, covers government censorship and corruption. Because of his truthful reporting, Liu was placed on the CCP’s “List of Dishonest Persons Subject to Enforcement by the Supreme People's Court.” As a result, Liu is now forbidden from using his own money to buy a plane ticket, travel on rail lines, or even buy property.
“There was no file, no police warrant, no official advance notification,” Liu told reporters. “They just cut me off from the things I was once entitled to. What's really scary is there's nothing you can do about it. You can report to no one. You are stuck in the middle of nowhere."
The CCP doesn’t only target journalists and dissidents, either. Many religions are considered to be cults by the Chinese government. The CCP is officially atheist, and its members are forbidden to join any religion. Chinese Christians can wind up on the same “untrustworthy persons” list as Liu.
David McIntosh, president of Club for Growth, says, “Two world visions for the future of digital currencies are in conflict: China and a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) where government creates digital assets and surveils, spies, monitors, and restricts consumer behavior versus an American free marketplace that enables private competition that protects consumer data, allows economic freedom, enables innovation, and encourages competition.” McIntosh added that America should not “go down the China road” by developing a CBDC.
Given the Biden administration’s track record of tyranny, including censoring Americans who disagree with the government’s COVID talking points and demanding access to every transaction of every bank account that transacted 600 or more dollars a year, the prospect of a Biden CBDC is terrifying.
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