About to deploy 1MW Test Reactor, 10 x 100MW (1000MW) 1st Commercial Deployment Envisioned, with 1GW+ ultimately feasible
Copenhagen Atomics is a Danish molten salt technology company developing mass manufacturable molten-salt reactors
Copenhagen Atomics is a Danish molten salt technology company developing mass manufacturable molten-salt reactors. The reactor type invented by Copenhagen Atomics is a thorium molten salt breeder reactor, which fits inside a custom built 40 foot shipping container and can be mass manufactured on assembly lines with an expected output of minimum 1 reactor per day (per assembly line). The target customers are large plants producing commodities such as aluminum, ammonia or hydrogen.
Copenhagen Atomics announced that their prototype reactors are ready to be tested in a real life scenario, in a critical experiment at the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland.
Copenhagen Atomics has built more than 10 iterations of their unique molten salt test loops. These test loops are used for long-term testing of pumps, sensors, electronics and other components and they are also sold to major universities and national labs around the world to help them make molten salt research – from MIT to Berkeley and from the USA to Korea.
Milestone 3 is the thorium molten salt test reactor. It is planned to generate up to 1 MW of thermal output and to run for 30 days in the first instance.
The main purpose of the 1 MW reactor test is to validate the computer simulations against real world measurements. Such validation is needed for approval of the commercial reactor to operate safely for many years. Secondly, it is expected to provide proof of the technology.
Milestone 4 is the deployment of commercial reactors. Copenhagen Atomics has not done much of this work yet, as it is paramount to focus their resources on getting the 1 MW test reactor online.
Copenhagen Atomics plans to deploy approximately 10 commercial reactor units on the first commercial site. Each of these reactor units is planned to generate 100 MW of thermal output. These reactors must have fuel transfer from the blanket salt to the core and some fission product removal in order to run for 3-5 years without refueling2 from external sources.
Milestone 5 is about establishing assembly line manufacturing. The aim is to build the first 10 commercial reactors at our current factory in Copenhagen, but this site is not well suited for mass manufacturing. They expect that mass manufacturing will be set up in several countries – most likely in some of the first countries to grant a type approval of the commercial reactors, because this will provide more certainty around how long it will take to install each reactor.
Milestone 6 is a very important milestone for the long term goal of an LCOE of USD 20 per MWh(e). If Copenhagen Atomics can show that our thorium molten salt reactor can become a breeder reactor in the thermal spectrum, this has the potential of being one of the biggest advancement in the energy sector in the last 50 years.
As for thorium, there are approximately 1000 times more thorium (232Th) than there is 235U.
The main short term funding target for Copenhagen Atomics is to raise USD 200 million during 2024-2025. Additionally, Copenhagen Atomics will seek to potentially raise USD 20 – 100 million in soft funding mainly from the EU and Denmark.
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I look forward to the results 👍
Molten salt reactors are the way to go
Best news and science I've heard all week
I want one!