A new paper confirms presence of DNA in COVID-19 shot vials, settles issues pertaining to DNA quantification methods, shows spike persistence and exosomal shuttling
And this was done in human cells...
Ulrike Kämmerer, Verena Schulz and Klaus Steger have just published what might be the paper of the century entitled: “BioNTech RNA-Based COVID-19 Injections Contain Large Amounts Of Residual DNA Including An SV40 Promoter/Enhancer Sequence”. It got through peer review on December 3, 2024 and it confirms much of what has already been evidenced and answers many questions lingering in the background.
Let’s unpack their results:
We demonstrate successful transfection of nucleoside-modified mRNA (modRNA) biologicals into HEK293 cells and show robust levels of spike proteins over several days of cell culture. Secretion into cell supernatants occurred predominantly via extracellular vesicles enriched for exosome markers. We further analyzed RNA and DNA contents of these vials and identified large amounts of DNA after RNase A digestion in all lots with concentrations ranging from 32.7 ng to 43.4 ng per clinical dose. This far exceeds the maximal acceptable concentration of 10 ng per clinical dose that has been set by international regulatory authorities. Gene analyses with selected PCR primer pairs proved that residual DNA represents not only fragments of the DNA matrices coding for the spike gene, but of all genes from the plasmid including the SV40 promoter/enhancer and the antibiotic resistance gene.
Spike protein expression in HEK293 cells after transfection with BNT162b2 biologicals is seen in green. This means the LNPs dump their payload successfully into human cells and this payload is translated into spike protein using the cell’s machinery (ribosomes) as per the design. The spike had a cytotoxic effect on cells (bad for cells = they die) and stuck around for at least 7 days (persistence). And that’s just when they stopped measuring. Spike got into the medium that the cells were in: it was released from the cells that were transfected. Spike can be cleaved from the membranes of cells, but, can also be exported in exosomes in full form (uncleaved).

This is an incredibly important finding and has massive implications for shedding. Exosomes - which are like little information carriers between cells - are likely trafficking/shuttling spike to other cells in the in vivo setting. Based on these findings, there’s no reason to believe they wouldn’t be doing this.
The amount of RNA in the injected Pfizer product (30 ug) checks out. The “real” amount of DNA that they found after additionally treating with RNase to remove interfering signals from RNA exceeded EMA limits by 4-5 times.

All four Pfizer vials that they tested at a dilution of 1:10 showed strong signals for SV40 promoter/enhancer, neomycin cassette, ORI replicon, and spike protein (B: right), and all transfected HEK293 cells as well (B: left)!

They blew up the LNPs using Triton-X to get to the most DNA that they could (without having done this, a lot of the DNA is not available for measurement) and checked DNA levels using different 3 methods: Quant-iT PicoGreen dsDNA Assay (P), Qubit 1x dsDNA High Sensitivity Assay (Q), and AccuBlue dsDNA High Sensitivity Assay (A). This is WILDLY INCREDIBLE AND THOROUGH WORK. I hope people appreciate this and also that if the manufacturers and/or regulators this amount of work/checking, they sure didn’t show the public their findings.

All in all, this paper is an excellent piece of work that confirms the presence of residual DNA that exceeds EMA limits many fold in all Pfizer COVID-19 modRNA-LNP product vials tested. Their methodology for ascertaining “real” DNA levels is second to none and they do account for RNA interference and eliminate this problem. They also got the most measurable DNA by treating the LNPs with Triton-X. I wish the manufacturers and regulators could say as much.
Perhaps the most disturbing ‘new’ finding is the release of spike into the cell media via exosomes. The authors write:
In case of an in-vivo situation, this would mean that the spike proteins are transported within exosomes to other tissues and organs via the blood stream and, consequently, taken up by the target cells. In fact, it has already been reported that spike proteins can be found in exosomes of vaccinated individuals.
This has massive implications for shedding and begs the questions:
Is this why there are so many people who feel the effects of someone else’s modRNA injection after spending a little time with them?
Are we all injected by proxy?
We need a moratorium on this platform (genetic material-LNP-based) and we need follow-up studies so that we can help people who are clearly suffering from what we can call spikeopathy. We basically need to figure a way out of this colossal mess. Together.
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Hi, Substack's AI is messing with all of us. I don't know about the article anymore, I must have misread it, but I personally have never believed in shedding. As for Sasha I have 4 screenshots of messages I received today, about Sasha, to send to you but Substack is driving me mad, I will keep trying to find a way, but if you don't know who she is then it doesn't really matter as she is just personnel to my little bubble. But there are at least 6 other people who have called her out, but let's be honest there are thousands of these spooks out there, keeping us all guessing, which prevents us from doing anything too constructive. Substack is keeping us all in our ever deflating bubbles, I think what we should be doing is forget about gaining large followings, log out of Substack as we know whats really going on, and we are being watched, and find real world solutions individually, Everything is Corrupted nowadays. 🙄
Sorry but 'Proton' has already called this one out, I think you will find they are playing us like a fiddle, 'shedding' is complete bs to get us all scared and misinformed, the rest of it is basically true but the red flag here is 'peer reviewed study' like what it was reviewed by 'conspiracy theorists'.