15 of the Most Advanced Weapons You Didn’t Know Existed
Many Skynet-type Killer Drones (Land and Air) Make the List
00:32 - 1. Viper 40 Micro - https://spearuav.com/viper-family/viper-40/ - The Viper 40 is a grenade-launched mini loitering munition UAS that offers line-of-sight targeting and diversion capabilities, with unparalleled accuracy, at ranges of up to 1000 meters.

01:30 - 2. Anduril Roadrunner - https://www.anduril.com/roadrunner - Roadrunner is a reusable, vertical take-off and landing (VTOL), operator-supervised Autonomous Air Vehicle (AAV) with twin turbojet engines and modular payload configurations that can support a variety of missions.

02:38 - 3. HISS-HD Thermal Sniper Sight - https://www.flir.com/products/hiss-hd/?vertical=surveillance+general&segment=surveillance - The HISS-HD thermal weapon sight provides clear, long-range optics for snipers and machine gun crews. It effortlessly mounts on MIL-STD-1913 rails, interfaces with various day scopes and weapons, and exceeds 2200 meters in target detection. With exceptional portability, compatibility with ballistic devices, and an optional remote control pendant for enhanced stability, the HISS-HD has unmatched capabilities in most operational scenarios.
03:36 - 4. Rogue 1 Lethal Unmanned Aerial System -https://www.flir.com/products/rogue-1/?vertical=uas&segment=uis - Rogue 1™ is a next-generation, rapid employment, optionally-lethal vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) sUAS that equips small units with the ability to engage threats within and beyond the range and capabilities of existing organic weapon systems while minimizing collateral damage and maximizing standoff.
04:34 - 5. ELTA Air Defense Radars - https://www.iai.co.il/about/groups/elta-systems- Since the company’s formation over five decades ago, ELTA Systems Ltd. (ELTA) has established its leading position in the local and global markets as a systems house developing state-of-the-art solutions for Defense, Paramilitary, Government and Law Enforcement customers as well as for the civilian market.
05:26 - 6. V-BAT drone - https://shield.ai/v-bat/ - V-BAT beat out 13 competitors to win the Navy and SOCOM MTUAS Increment 2 Program of Record. Its unique design and controls allow it to take off & land in high winds, on crowded flight decks, aboard moving vessels with landing zones as small as 12’ x 12’.
06:30 - 7. Tactical Missile System - https://www.lockheedmartin.com/en-us/products/army-tactical-missile-system.html -The Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) is a conventional surface-to-surface artillery weapon system capable of striking targets well beyond the range of existing Army cannons, rockets and other missiles. ATACMS missiles are fired from the HIMARS and MLRS M270 platforms.

07:38 - 8. M32 Six-Shooter - https://interestingengineering.com/videos/ep-8-how-the-m32-six-shooter-grenade-revolver-unleashes-hell - The M32, a shoulder-fired 40 mm grenade launcher, stands as a testament to cutting-edge military technology. This formidable weapon boasts a six-round spring-driven revolving cylinder, perfectly suited for accommodating most 40×46mm grenades. Its unique mechanism allows for rapid, successive firing, with the cylinder deftly rotating as it discharges, making it an invaluable tool for fire support and special forces missions.
08:59 - 9. Convair Model 49 - https://www.renderhub.com/citizensnip/convair-model-49 -The most unique proposal in the AAFSS competition came from the San Diego division of Convair. The Model 49 did not fit the normal mold for either an airplane or a helicopter, and represented something entirely new. Propulsive power came from turbine engines driving counterrotating propellers within the shroud
10:00 - 10. Ripsaw M5 - https://www.textronsystems.com/products/ripsaw-m5 - Bringing together speed of innovation and proven program execution, the M5 is ready for the fight. M5 is the 5th generation of RIPSAW providing speed, mobility and unmanned capability. The M5 can silently maneuver and keep pace with the current and future maneuver forces, pushing capabilities beyond the human formation.
11:05 - 11. C-UAS Strykers - https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2024/4/23/army-counter-drone-system-gets-stryking- M-LIDS has an onboard radar that detects threats at long ranges and targets them with both electronic warfare and kinetic effectors, he said. When the threat is identified and within range, a gunner selects the type of effector, “whether it’s a missile or a bullet … and then the vehicle commander gives the authorization to engage it with that effector.”
12:05 - 12. Starstreak - STARStreak | Thales Group - It is important for every Nation to feel confident that it can defend itself and its borders against hostile actors. Knowing that you have the right capability to hand, and, almost as importantly, for others to know that you have it, is a defence in itself. For the British Army, Royal Marines and numerous Global defence customers, Thales’s StarStreak Short Range Air Defence (SHORAD) High Velocity Missile is a defensive capability which builds that confidence.
12:55 - 13. Bell 360 -https://es.bellflight.com/products/bell-360 - The Bell 360 Invictus is revolutionizing strike reconnaissance capabilities to enhance the commander's mission ground maneuvers and carry out the U.S. Army's Future Strike Reconnaissance Aircraft initiative.
14:00 - 14. NH90 Sea - www.aviacionline.com - The NATO Helicopter Management Agency (NAHEMA) and NHIndustries (NHI) today announced the signing of a major contract, valued at more than €600 million, for the development and delivery of the software upgrade version 3 (SWR3) for the NH90 helicopter.
14:57 - 15. Ohio Ordnance - https://oow-govmil.com/ - Today Ohio Ordnance Works, Inc. has a workforce of 80+ employees who work within the company’s 35,000+ square foot facility. OOW is currently supplying several thousand light, medium, and heavy machine guns to military customers around the world including our own U.S. forces.
About the Author
Etienne de la Boetie2 is the founder of the Art of Liberty Foundation, the author of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! and the editor of the Art of Liberty Daily News on Substack and Five Meme Friday, which delivers hard-hitting voluntaryist memes and the best of the alternative media.
He is the author of The Covid-19 Suspects and Their Ties to Eugenics and Population Control/Reduction and Solving Covid - The Covid 19, Eugenics, and Vaccine/Drug Scam Timeline
About the Art of Liberty Foundation
A start-up public policy organization: Voluntaryist crime fighters exposing inter-generational organized crime’s control of the “government,” media and academia. The foundation is the publisher of “Government” - The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed!- How Inter-Generational Organized Crime Runs the “Government,” Media and Academia.
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Thanks for this. I'll never sleep again.